士人阶层兴于春秋战国,并以天下公义为己任,表现了"道尊于势"的独立自信风貌;至于秦汉,士人阶层被迫向政治俯首,依附于皇权,逐渐消弭了自信标举的精神,取而代之的是无奈权变和淡漠自守.以宋玉、东方朔和扬雄3位典型士人为例,从各自代表作入手,展现自战国到西汉末年不同历史时期士人的不同精神面貌,并对其中变化进行分析.Originating in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods,the stratum of scholars take the attainment of public justice as their duty and project an independent and confident image.However,in the Qin and Han Dynasties,scholars are forced to submit to the government and are attached to the imperial power,losing confidence and becoming indifferent and reclusive.Taking Song Yu,Dongfang Shuo and Yang Xiong as examples,by analyzing their works,the paper not only presents the spiritual outlook of scholars from the Warring States Period to the Western Han Dynasty,but ...