It is well known that a ρ-quasisymmetric function μ(x) can be extended as a κ-q·c·mapping of an upper-half plan onto itself. Such a q·c·extension given by Beurling and Ahlfors is as follows:0455
have investigated the maximal distortion under a normalized ft-quasisymmetric func-tion f of the rea...
A quasislit is the image of a vertical line segment \([0, iy]\), \(y > 0\), under a quasiconforma...
A quasisymmetric graph is a curve whose projection onto a line is a quasisymmetric map. We show that...
An increasing continuous function ä defined on an interval-I c R1 is p-quasisymmetric on. [ if(1) p-...
for all rcal x and t, t+0. It is well-known that every p-quasisymmetric function can be extended to ...
The establish a relationship between Strebel boundary dilatation of a quasisymmetric function of the...
In a recent paper [3] Strebel introduced the dilatation of a homeomorphism of a Jordan curve onto an...
We provide sufficient conditions so that a homeomorphism of the real line or of the circle admits an...
Becker (J Reine Angew Math 255:23–43, 1972) discovered a sufficient condition for quasiconformal ext...
In his work on P -partitions, Stembridge de ned the algebra of peak functions , which is both a su...
We investigate univalent functions f(z) = z+a2z2 +a3z3 +. . . in the unit disk D extendible to k-q.c...
In this paper we give a short survey on a problem on extremal quasiconformal extensions. It had been...
Inspired by Astala, Iwaniec, Prause and Saksman's partial result of Morrey's problem regarding rank-...
We give an estimate that quantifies the fact that a normalized quasiconformal map whose dilatation i...
By studying the mapping by heights for quadratic differentials introduced by Strebel, some relations...
have investigated the maximal distortion under a normalized ft-quasisymmetric func-tion f of the rea...
A quasislit is the image of a vertical line segment \([0, iy]\), \(y > 0\), under a quasiconforma...
A quasisymmetric graph is a curve whose projection onto a line is a quasisymmetric map. We show that...
An increasing continuous function ä defined on an interval-I c R1 is p-quasisymmetric on. [ if(1) p-...
for all rcal x and t, t+0. It is well-known that every p-quasisymmetric function can be extended to ...
The establish a relationship between Strebel boundary dilatation of a quasisymmetric function of the...
In a recent paper [3] Strebel introduced the dilatation of a homeomorphism of a Jordan curve onto an...
We provide sufficient conditions so that a homeomorphism of the real line or of the circle admits an...
Becker (J Reine Angew Math 255:23–43, 1972) discovered a sufficient condition for quasiconformal ext...
In his work on P -partitions, Stembridge de ned the algebra of peak functions , which is both a su...
We investigate univalent functions f(z) = z+a2z2 +a3z3 +. . . in the unit disk D extendible to k-q.c...
In this paper we give a short survey on a problem on extremal quasiconformal extensions. It had been...
Inspired by Astala, Iwaniec, Prause and Saksman's partial result of Morrey's problem regarding rank-...
We give an estimate that quantifies the fact that a normalized quasiconformal map whose dilatation i...
By studying the mapping by heights for quadratic differentials introduced by Strebel, some relations...
have investigated the maximal distortion under a normalized ft-quasisymmetric func-tion f of the rea...
A quasislit is the image of a vertical line segment \([0, iy]\), \(y > 0\), under a quasiconforma...
A quasisymmetric graph is a curve whose projection onto a line is a quasisymmetric map. We show that...