Rehabilitation and strengthening of existing adobe masonry constructions have been neglected during the last decades. In Aveiro, Portugal, many adobe buildings present an important level of structural damage and, in many cases, are even near to ruin, having the majority a high vulnerability to seismic actions. To face the lack of information concerning the mechanical properties and structural behaviour of adobe elements, it was developed an experimental campaign. The composition and mechanical behaviour of adobe units and mortars were studied. Laboratory and in situ tests on full-scale adobe masonry walls were performed. Adobe walls were subjected to imposed horizontal cyclic displacements. Test results reveal the behaviour and structural f...
A study of the mechanical properties of adobe bricks collected from houses and land dividing walls i...
Non-linear static analyses are amongst engineering community one of the most common analysis approac...
This paper presents a constitutive relationship to describe the uniaxial response in statics of bric...
Adobe was a widely used construction material in Aveiro, Portugal, till the middle of the 20th centu...
In Aveiro, Portugal, adobe can be found with abundance in rural and urban buildings. Many of these ...
Adobe structures present very appealing characteristics regarding a more sustainable practice with t...
AbstractEarth construction is one of the oldest and most widespread construction system. Around 30% ...
In Aveiro district, adobe can be found with abundance in rural and urban buildings, many of which ar...
Many traditional adobe houses located in the Andean highlands are seismically vulnerable due to lack...
Adobe (mud bricks) has been used in the construction of low cost housing as well as historical monum...
Adobe constructions were widespread in the ancient world, and earth was one of the most used constru...
Research in this thesis is aimed at comprehensively characterizing the mechanical performance of ado...
A significant number of existing adobe constructions in Aveiro district presents pronounced structur...
Adobe is commonly found in Aveiro's ancient constructions. Preservation and rehabilitation of those ...
Some tests for material characterization of adobe blocks and adobe masonry have been carried out in ...
A study of the mechanical properties of adobe bricks collected from houses and land dividing walls i...
Non-linear static analyses are amongst engineering community one of the most common analysis approac...
This paper presents a constitutive relationship to describe the uniaxial response in statics of bric...
Adobe was a widely used construction material in Aveiro, Portugal, till the middle of the 20th centu...
In Aveiro, Portugal, adobe can be found with abundance in rural and urban buildings. Many of these ...
Adobe structures present very appealing characteristics regarding a more sustainable practice with t...
AbstractEarth construction is one of the oldest and most widespread construction system. Around 30% ...
In Aveiro district, adobe can be found with abundance in rural and urban buildings, many of which ar...
Many traditional adobe houses located in the Andean highlands are seismically vulnerable due to lack...
Adobe (mud bricks) has been used in the construction of low cost housing as well as historical monum...
Adobe constructions were widespread in the ancient world, and earth was one of the most used constru...
Research in this thesis is aimed at comprehensively characterizing the mechanical performance of ado...
A significant number of existing adobe constructions in Aveiro district presents pronounced structur...
Adobe is commonly found in Aveiro's ancient constructions. Preservation and rehabilitation of those ...
Some tests for material characterization of adobe blocks and adobe masonry have been carried out in ...
A study of the mechanical properties of adobe bricks collected from houses and land dividing walls i...
Non-linear static analyses are amongst engineering community one of the most common analysis approac...
This paper presents a constitutive relationship to describe the uniaxial response in statics of bric...