Filmes calcogenetos para células solares: crescimento e propriedades

  • Salomé, Pedro Manuel Parracho
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Publication date
January 2011
Universidade de Aveiro


Doutoramento em FísicaThin film solar cells have in recent years gained market quota against traditional silicon photovoltaic panels. These developments were in a large part due to CdTe solar panels on whose development started earlier than their competitors. Panels based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS), despite being more efficient in a laboratory and industrial scale than the CdTe ones, still need a growth technology cheaper and easier to apply in industry. Although usually presented as a good candidate to make cheap panels, CIGS uses rare and expensive materials as In and Ga. The price evolution of these materials might jeopardize CIGS future. This thesis presents three different studies. The first is the study of different processes fo...

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