Web service choreography describes the common and collaborative observable behavior of multiple services that interact with each other Integrating QoS into choreography is valuable for designing and analyzing a choreography specification. In this paper a formal model of web service choreography which incorporates QoS information such as time and cost is proposed. A formal trace semantics for the model is also given, together with several QoS estimation methods.BusinessComputer Science, Hardware & ArchitectureComputer Science, Information SystemsComputer Science, Software EngineeringComputer Science, Theory & MethodsEngineering, Electrical & ElectronicInformation Science & Library ScienceManagementEICPCI-S(ISTP)CPCI-SSH...
Web services are the main pillar of the Service Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm which enables appl...
In the last years both industry and academia have shown a great interest in ensuring consistent coop...
International audienceQuality of Service (QoS) in orchestrated web services compositions have been w...
While extensive foundational work exist for the functional aspects of Web service orchestrations, ve...
Web services are playing dominant role on Internet for e-business. The compositions of these service...
Abstract. QoS-aware applications can satisfy not only the functional requirements of the customers, ...
web services compositions have been well studied with probabilistic and multi-dimensional models. Ch...
As businesses begin to link Web services to create new functionality in the form of composite Web se...
The quality of service (QoS) is a major concern in the design and management of Web service composit...
The cornerstone for the success of Service-Oriented Computing lies in its promise to allow fast and ...
Web Services are software applications that have heterogeneous implementations, whose interfaces and...
Web services choreography describes the global model of service interactions among a set of particip...
Many Web service standards of orchestration and choreography are designed to reduce their inherent c...
We propose a language CDL as a formal model of simplified WS-CDL The operational semantics of CDL is...
AbstractWe present a formal model to represent orchestrations and choreographies and we define sever...
Web services are the main pillar of the Service Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm which enables appl...
In the last years both industry and academia have shown a great interest in ensuring consistent coop...
International audienceQuality of Service (QoS) in orchestrated web services compositions have been w...
While extensive foundational work exist for the functional aspects of Web service orchestrations, ve...
Web services are playing dominant role on Internet for e-business. The compositions of these service...
Abstract. QoS-aware applications can satisfy not only the functional requirements of the customers, ...
web services compositions have been well studied with probabilistic and multi-dimensional models. Ch...
As businesses begin to link Web services to create new functionality in the form of composite Web se...
The quality of service (QoS) is a major concern in the design and management of Web service composit...
The cornerstone for the success of Service-Oriented Computing lies in its promise to allow fast and ...
Web Services are software applications that have heterogeneous implementations, whose interfaces and...
Web services choreography describes the global model of service interactions among a set of particip...
Many Web service standards of orchestration and choreography are designed to reduce their inherent c...
We propose a language CDL as a formal model of simplified WS-CDL The operational semantics of CDL is...
AbstractWe present a formal model to represent orchestrations and choreographies and we define sever...
Web services are the main pillar of the Service Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm which enables appl...
In the last years both industry and academia have shown a great interest in ensuring consistent coop...
International audienceQuality of Service (QoS) in orchestrated web services compositions have been w...