Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is concen-trated in a small number of counties in th...
"The Syphilis Surveillance Report, 1999 presents syphilis statistics and trends in the United States...
1 概述 1.1 分期梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体引起的一种全身性疾病.根据临床所见对疾病分期,以利于指导治疗和随诊.根据传染途径不同分为后天梅毒与先天梅毒.又根据其病期分为早期梅毒与晚期梅毒.(1)早期梅毒:...
1 概述 1.1 分期 根据传染途径不同将梅毒分为后天梅毒与先天梅毒;又根据其病程不同分为早期梅毒与晚期梅毒:(1) 早期梅毒:病程在2年之内.包括:①一期梅毒(硬下疳);②二期梅毒(全身皮疹);③早...
1 概述 1.1 分期 梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体引起的一种全身性疾病,根据传播途径不同分为后天梅毒与先天梅毒.又可根据其病期分为早期梅毒与晚期梅毒.(1)早期梅毒:病期在2年以内.包括:①一期梅毒(硬下疳...
Syphilis is a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection that can cause serious health problem...
性传播感染(sexually transmitted infection,STI)是指通过性接触或类似性行为所引起的感染。据《性病防治管理办法》规定,我国目前重点防治的STI共8种,即梅毒、淋病、艾滋...
In October 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with federal...
1 起源 国际感染控制周(Intemational Infection Prevention Week,IIPW),前身为美国感染控制周,起源于1986年,由前总统里根宣布10月的第三周为国家感染控制...
The Syphilis Elimination Effort (SEE) was launched by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
In October 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with federal...
Following the introduction of penicillin in the 1940s, the incidence of infectious syphilis in the U...
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is concen-trated in a small number of counties in th...
"The Syphilis Surveillance Report, 1999 presents syphilis statistics and trends in the United States...
1 概述 1.1 分期梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体引起的一种全身性疾病.根据临床所见对疾病分期,以利于指导治疗和随诊.根据传染途径不同分为后天梅毒与先天梅毒.又根据其病期分为早期梅毒与晚期梅毒.(1)早期梅毒:...
1 概述 1.1 分期 根据传染途径不同将梅毒分为后天梅毒与先天梅毒;又根据其病程不同分为早期梅毒与晚期梅毒:(1) 早期梅毒:病程在2年之内.包括:①一期梅毒(硬下疳);②二期梅毒(全身皮疹);③早...
1 概述 1.1 分期 梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体引起的一种全身性疾病,根据传播途径不同分为后天梅毒与先天梅毒.又可根据其病期分为早期梅毒与晚期梅毒.(1)早期梅毒:病期在2年以内.包括:①一期梅毒(硬下疳...
Syphilis is a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection that can cause serious health problem...
性传播感染(sexually transmitted infection,STI)是指通过性接触或类似性行为所引起的感染。据《性病防治管理办法》规定,我国目前重点防治的STI共8种,即梅毒、淋病、艾滋...
In October 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with federal...
1 起源 国际感染控制周(Intemational Infection Prevention Week,IIPW),前身为美国感染控制周,起源于1986年,由前总统里根宣布10月的第三周为国家感染控制...
The Syphilis Elimination Effort (SEE) was launched by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
In October 1999, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with federal...
Following the introduction of penicillin in the 1940s, the incidence of infectious syphilis in the U...
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is concen-trated in a small number of counties in th...
"The Syphilis Surveillance Report, 1999 presents syphilis statistics and trends in the United States...