患者女,46岁.曾有青霉素过敏史.本次因右踝关节扭伤,疼痛,使用麝香壮骨膏7 cm×5 cm贴于患处.数小时后,患者右踝关节处出现肿胀、皮疹、瘙痒难忍.02132-132
Acrylates can be the causative allergen in contact dermatitis to adhesives on the skin. The presence...
私たちは化粧品が原因と思われた接触性口唇炎および皮膚炎の1例を経験したので報告する。患者は37 歳,女性で,口唇に掻痒感を伴う発赤,腫脹,小水疱を主訴に当科を初診した。初診時上下唇にびまん性の腫脹,発...
1 病例介绍 患者,女,22岁,航空学院研究生.因做实验接触丙酮、环氧树脂、乙酸酐、玻璃纤维等3个月,出现皮疹1周来诊.患者面部、手背首先起红斑、丘疹,渐扩散至上肢,伴瘙痒,来我科就诊.查体:生命体征...
Introduction: Occupational contact dermatitis is defined as a skin disorder that occurs after work a...
Introduction: Occupational contact dermatitis can be interpreted as a health problem on the skin cau...
Key words: allergic contact dermatitis; occupational; plastics. Di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP) is a pl...
Background and Design: Occupational contact dermatitis (OCD) is responsible for 80-90% of the occupa...
Occupational contact dermatitis accounts for 90% of all cases of work-related cutaneous disorders. ...
Occupational contact dermatitis is one of skin disease in industrial settings which may reduce worke...
The article discusses the features of diagnosis and clinical course of allergic dermatitis in copper...
Since the working medical personnel including dentists and dental technicians mainly use their hands...
Provide an overview of occupational skin disease (OSD) and analysis of occupational ACD in North Ame...
患者女,46岁.曾有青霉素过敏史.本次因右踝关节扭伤,疼痛,使用麝香壮骨膏7 cm×5 cm贴于患处.数小时后,患者右踝关节处出现肿胀、皮疹、瘙痒难忍.02132-132
Acrylates can be the causative allergen in contact dermatitis to adhesives on the skin. The presence...
私たちは化粧品が原因と思われた接触性口唇炎および皮膚炎の1例を経験したので報告する。患者は37 歳,女性で,口唇に掻痒感を伴う発赤,腫脹,小水疱を主訴に当科を初診した。初診時上下唇にびまん性の腫脹,発...
1 病例介绍 患者,女,22岁,航空学院研究生.因做实验接触丙酮、环氧树脂、乙酸酐、玻璃纤维等3个月,出现皮疹1周来诊.患者面部、手背首先起红斑、丘疹,渐扩散至上肢,伴瘙痒,来我科就诊.查体:生命体征...
Introduction: Occupational contact dermatitis is defined as a skin disorder that occurs after work a...
Introduction: Occupational contact dermatitis can be interpreted as a health problem on the skin cau...
Key words: allergic contact dermatitis; occupational; plastics. Di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP) is a pl...
Background and Design: Occupational contact dermatitis (OCD) is responsible for 80-90% of the occupa...
Occupational contact dermatitis accounts for 90% of all cases of work-related cutaneous disorders. ...
Occupational contact dermatitis is one of skin disease in industrial settings which may reduce worke...
The article discusses the features of diagnosis and clinical course of allergic dermatitis in copper...
Since the working medical personnel including dentists and dental technicians mainly use their hands...
Provide an overview of occupational skin disease (OSD) and analysis of occupational ACD in North Ame...
患者女,46岁.曾有青霉素过敏史.本次因右踝关节扭伤,疼痛,使用麝香壮骨膏7 cm×5 cm贴于患处.数小时后,患者右踝关节处出现肿胀、皮疹、瘙痒难忍.02132-132
Acrylates can be the causative allergen in contact dermatitis to adhesives on the skin. The presence...
私たちは化粧品が原因と思われた接触性口唇炎および皮膚炎の1例を経験したので報告する。患者は37 歳,女性で,口唇に掻痒感を伴う発赤,腫脹,小水疱を主訴に当科を初診した。初診時上下唇にびまん性の腫脹,発...