用扫描隧道显微镜 (STM)研究了室温下天冬氨酸在Cu(0 0 1)表面的吸附行为 .实验发现 ,在较低的覆盖度下 ,天冬氨酸分子在Cu(0 0 1)表面存在两种吸附状态 .从STM数据估算出两种吸附状态下天冬氨酸分子在Cu(0 0 1)表面的扩散激活能分别为 0 79± 0 0 1eV ,0 88± 0 0 5eV .随着覆盖度的提高 ,天冬氨酸分子最终在Cu(0 0 1)表面形成一均匀衬度的吸附层 ,但并不形成有序吸附结构 ,也不能使台阶发生小面化 .天冬氨酸分子的这些吸附特点是迄今研究过的所有氨基酸在Cu(0 0 1)表面吸附时不具有的 .Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been used to study the adsorption of aspartic acid on the Cu(001) surface at room temperature. At lower coverage,there exist two different bonding states and the corresponding diffusion activation energies are 0.79 +/- 0.01 eV and 0.88 +/- 0.05 eV,respectively. When the coverage is increased,the aspartic acid molecules can finally form an overlayer with uniform contrast but could never form any ordered structures. It has been ...
The major results of a series of our recent investigations on the self-assembly of amino acids on th...
The adsorption of biologically active molecules, such as the DNA bases, amino acids, on solid surfac...
为了揭示吸附剂的吸附效能与其组成、结构及表面性质之间的关系,本研究对两种壳核结构磁性颗粒Fe_3O_4/Mn O2与Fe-Mn/Mn O2的形貌特征、表面性质进行了系统表征,并对铜在磁性颗粒表面的吸附...
Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been used to study the adsorption of aspartic acid on the Cu...
The mechanism and kinetics of aspartic acid (Asp, HO2CCH(NH2)CH2CO2H) decomposition on Cu(100) hav...
用超高真空扫描隧道显微镜 (UHV -STM)研究了室温下甘氨酸在Cu( 111)表面的吸附行为 .实验发现 ,在低覆盖度下甘氨酸分子在表面表现为二维气体 .当覆盖度足够高时 ,甘氨酸分子最终会形成二...
The adsorption of L- and DL-alanine on the Cu(001) surface under an ultrahigh vacuum environment has...
Adsorption of leucine and asparagine on Cu(1 1 1) surface has been studied by means of scanning tunn...
在超高真空环境下使用扫描隧道显微镜研究了吸附有双甘氨肽分子的Cu(0 0 1)表面 .在一定的偏压条件下 ,针尖在该表面扫描后会形成纳米尺度的Cu团簇 ,这些团簇可以根据意愿排列成字母或图形 .团簇的...
以壳聚糖为黏合剂,采用包覆法制备了一种新型除砷吸附剂--颗粒状铁铜锰复合氧化物(GFCM). GFCM吸附剂为不完全球状,直径0.7~1.0 mm,可以有效地将As(Ⅲ)氧化成As(V),并对形成的A...
Adsorption of glycine on the Cu(001) surface has been studied with scanning tunneling microscopy. In...
Low-energy electron diffraction(LEED) and scanning tunneling microscopy(STM) have been used to deter...
The major results of a series of our recent investigations on the adsorption of eight amino acids on...
The adsorption behaviours of glycine on Cu(111) have been investigated under ultra-high vacuum condi...
此成果報告總結本人於專題計畫執行 期間之研究成果。報告內容含:(a) 碳六 十分子在Ag(100)表面之吸附行為,闡明 碳六十分子亮暗對比機制,發現吸附結構 為單向非同量非周期性,並利用晶格氣模 型研...
The major results of a series of our recent investigations on the self-assembly of amino acids on th...
The adsorption of biologically active molecules, such as the DNA bases, amino acids, on solid surfac...
为了揭示吸附剂的吸附效能与其组成、结构及表面性质之间的关系,本研究对两种壳核结构磁性颗粒Fe_3O_4/Mn O2与Fe-Mn/Mn O2的形貌特征、表面性质进行了系统表征,并对铜在磁性颗粒表面的吸附...
Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) has been used to study the adsorption of aspartic acid on the Cu...
The mechanism and kinetics of aspartic acid (Asp, HO2CCH(NH2)CH2CO2H) decomposition on Cu(100) hav...
用超高真空扫描隧道显微镜 (UHV -STM)研究了室温下甘氨酸在Cu( 111)表面的吸附行为 .实验发现 ,在低覆盖度下甘氨酸分子在表面表现为二维气体 .当覆盖度足够高时 ,甘氨酸分子最终会形成二...
The adsorption of L- and DL-alanine on the Cu(001) surface under an ultrahigh vacuum environment has...
Adsorption of leucine and asparagine on Cu(1 1 1) surface has been studied by means of scanning tunn...
在超高真空环境下使用扫描隧道显微镜研究了吸附有双甘氨肽分子的Cu(0 0 1)表面 .在一定的偏压条件下 ,针尖在该表面扫描后会形成纳米尺度的Cu团簇 ,这些团簇可以根据意愿排列成字母或图形 .团簇的...
以壳聚糖为黏合剂,采用包覆法制备了一种新型除砷吸附剂--颗粒状铁铜锰复合氧化物(GFCM). GFCM吸附剂为不完全球状,直径0.7~1.0 mm,可以有效地将As(Ⅲ)氧化成As(V),并对形成的A...
Adsorption of glycine on the Cu(001) surface has been studied with scanning tunneling microscopy. In...
Low-energy electron diffraction(LEED) and scanning tunneling microscopy(STM) have been used to deter...
The major results of a series of our recent investigations on the adsorption of eight amino acids on...
The adsorption behaviours of glycine on Cu(111) have been investigated under ultra-high vacuum condi...
此成果報告總結本人於專題計畫執行 期間之研究成果。報告內容含:(a) 碳六 十分子在Ag(100)表面之吸附行為,闡明 碳六十分子亮暗對比機制,發現吸附結構 為單向非同量非周期性,並利用晶格氣模 型研...
The major results of a series of our recent investigations on the self-assembly of amino acids on th...
The adsorption of biologically active molecules, such as the DNA bases, amino acids, on solid surfac...
为了揭示吸附剂的吸附效能与其组成、结构及表面性质之间的关系,本研究对两种壳核结构磁性颗粒Fe_3O_4/Mn O2与Fe-Mn/Mn O2的形貌特征、表面性质进行了系统表征,并对铜在磁性颗粒表面的吸附...