美国内战(1861-1865年)与重建(1863-1877年)时期非裔美国人为争取平等选举权进行了思想和政治斗争。非裔美国人虽然没有直接参与重建时期国会的立法过程,但以弗雷德里克·道格拉斯(Frederick Douglass)为首的黑人领袖们率先意识到内战带来的制度创新的巨大潜能和机会,将美国宪政的传统和寻求自我解放的经历结合起来,创造出一套新的转型宪政主义的话语和思想,为国会共和党人的立法行动提供了思想和法理的支持,推动了美国宪政的重构和美国民主的转型。通过展示和分析围绕黑人选举权而产生的非裔美国人宪政思想,本文一方面意图挑战传统重建宪政研究中对黑人能动性的忽视,另一方面则力求探索将非裔美...中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU)中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)0ARTICLE63-1
宪法危机的发生有两个条件 :第一 ,在根本性问题上 ,宪法条文具有强烈的容易引起宪法解释争端的模糊性 ;同时 ,这些模糊的宪法条文所规定的问题 ,在现实政治生活中又已经发展成为实际的、主要的政治问题。...
The marker reads: History of Emancipation: Special Field Orders No. 15 On January 12, 1865, U.S. Se...
During the Revolutionary War and the first decades of the early U.S. Republic, as free people of col...
Status prawny Afroamerykanów z pewnością nie pozostawał bez znaczenia na traktowanie żołnierzy USCT....
The period of Reconstruction after the American Civil War introduced arguably more discrimination ag...
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na popis ekonomických, politických a společenských problémů Afroameriča...
New court records shed light on the complex relationships of slavery when a slave enlists in the Uni...
This Article explores how the great black abolitionist Frederick Douglass was both a constitutional ...
African-American lawmakers in the Arkansas General Assembly during Radical Reconstruction became pol...
While many Black people regarded slavery as a form of social death, some nineteenth-century white po...
In late December of 1816, prominent citizens within the state of Virginia in conjunction with the Un...
This thesis sought to determine the origins of public policy during the American Civil War and how t...
宪法危机的发生有两个条件 :第一 ,在根本性问题上 ,宪法条文具有强烈的容易引起宪法解释争端的模糊性 ;同时 ,这些模糊的宪法条文所规定的问题 ,在现实政治生活中又已经发展成为实际的、主要的政治问题。...
The marker reads: History of Emancipation: Special Field Orders No. 15 On January 12, 1865, U.S. Se...
During the Revolutionary War and the first decades of the early U.S. Republic, as free people of col...
Status prawny Afroamerykanów z pewnością nie pozostawał bez znaczenia na traktowanie żołnierzy USCT....
The period of Reconstruction after the American Civil War introduced arguably more discrimination ag...
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na popis ekonomických, politických a společenských problémů Afroameriča...
New court records shed light on the complex relationships of slavery when a slave enlists in the Uni...
This Article explores how the great black abolitionist Frederick Douglass was both a constitutional ...
African-American lawmakers in the Arkansas General Assembly during Radical Reconstruction became pol...
While many Black people regarded slavery as a form of social death, some nineteenth-century white po...
In late December of 1816, prominent citizens within the state of Virginia in conjunction with the Un...
This thesis sought to determine the origins of public policy during the American Civil War and how t...
宪法危机的发生有两个条件 :第一 ,在根本性问题上 ,宪法条文具有强烈的容易引起宪法解释争端的模糊性 ;同时 ,这些模糊的宪法条文所规定的问题 ,在现实政治生活中又已经发展成为实际的、主要的政治问题。...
The marker reads: History of Emancipation: Special Field Orders No. 15 On January 12, 1865, U.S. Se...
During the Revolutionary War and the first decades of the early U.S. Republic, as free people of col...