通过观察组织显微结构以及测定植物体内叶绿素和游离脯氨酸含量,研究了镉对3种沉水植物蓖齿眼子菜(Potamogeton pectinatus)、金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)和轮藻(Chara vulgaris)细胞组织完整性以及碳代谢和抗胁迫能力的毒性效应.结果表明:尽管镉有效地抑制了沉水植物的碳代谢和抗胁迫能力,从而导致组织完整性的破坏和植物死亡,但是这3种沉水植物对镉毒害的抗性却有着明显的不同.凭借其致密的细胞排列、较厚的表皮层以及较高的游离脯氨酸水平,蓖齿眼子幕表现出很强的抗镉毒害的能力.因此建议将其作为水生植物生态系统恢复与重建的先锋物种.国家科技攻关项目中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)04128-1343
Aquatic environments often contain toxic heavy metals that may enter the food web via uptake by micr...
Pulse inputs of heavy metals are expected to increase with a higher frequency of extreme climate eve...
The influence of different temperatures and salinities on the toxicity of cadmium has been studied i...
采用水相平衡态镉浓度不变(0.01 mg/L),增加水铝矿颗粒吸附态镉暴露的实验方法,研究了金鱼(Carassius auratus)对颗粒态镉的鳃吸收.结果表明,鳃中镉含量均随颗粒态镉暴露浓度增加而...
研究了镉(Cd)、铜(Cu)2种重金属单一暴露下菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)肝胰腺和鳃组织内的重金属富集特征和抗氧化酶活力变化特点。结果表明,蛤仔肝胰腺与鳃对Cd、Cu...
近年来,中国近岸重金属污染问题日趋严重。作者通过研究重金属Cd~(2+)和Pb~(2+)对脊尾白虾(Palaemon carincauda)的单一及复合急性毒性效应,为其养殖水质管理提供科学依据。本研...
Phytochelatins (PCs) have been proposed as potential biomarkers for an evaluation of metal toxicity....
钝顶螺旋藻Spirulina platensis(Cyanophyceae)和盐生杜氏藻Dunaliellasalina(Chlorophyceae)暴露在不同浓度锗的培养液中。研究了锗对它们的毒性及...
La toxicité du cadmium sur un organisme est dépendante de sa biodisponibilité qui varie en fonction ...
<p>The chronic toxicity of dietary cadmium to the saltwater cladoceran Moina monogolica Daday and it...
L'écotoxicité du chlorure de cadmium a été étudiée chez une macrophyte d'eau douce, Spirodela polyrh...
The heavy metal cadmium (Cd) is an important pollutant and poisonousto many organisms. We studied th...
Cadmium (Cd) toxicity and production of different thiols (phytochelatins, glutathione, γ-Glu-Cys and...
Aquatic environments often contain toxic heavy metals that may enter the food web via uptake by micr...
Pulse inputs of heavy metals are expected to increase with a higher frequency of extreme climate eve...
The influence of different temperatures and salinities on the toxicity of cadmium has been studied i...
采用水相平衡态镉浓度不变(0.01 mg/L),增加水铝矿颗粒吸附态镉暴露的实验方法,研究了金鱼(Carassius auratus)对颗粒态镉的鳃吸收.结果表明,鳃中镉含量均随颗粒态镉暴露浓度增加而...
研究了镉(Cd)、铜(Cu)2种重金属单一暴露下菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)肝胰腺和鳃组织内的重金属富集特征和抗氧化酶活力变化特点。结果表明,蛤仔肝胰腺与鳃对Cd、Cu...
近年来,中国近岸重金属污染问题日趋严重。作者通过研究重金属Cd~(2+)和Pb~(2+)对脊尾白虾(Palaemon carincauda)的单一及复合急性毒性效应,为其养殖水质管理提供科学依据。本研...
Phytochelatins (PCs) have been proposed as potential biomarkers for an evaluation of metal toxicity....
钝顶螺旋藻Spirulina platensis(Cyanophyceae)和盐生杜氏藻Dunaliellasalina(Chlorophyceae)暴露在不同浓度锗的培养液中。研究了锗对它们的毒性及...
La toxicité du cadmium sur un organisme est dépendante de sa biodisponibilité qui varie en fonction ...
<p>The chronic toxicity of dietary cadmium to the saltwater cladoceran Moina monogolica Daday and it...
L'écotoxicité du chlorure de cadmium a été étudiée chez une macrophyte d'eau douce, Spirodela polyrh...
The heavy metal cadmium (Cd) is an important pollutant and poisonousto many organisms. We studied th...
Cadmium (Cd) toxicity and production of different thiols (phytochelatins, glutathione, γ-Glu-Cys and...
Aquatic environments often contain toxic heavy metals that may enter the food web via uptake by micr...
Pulse inputs of heavy metals are expected to increase with a higher frequency of extreme climate eve...
The influence of different temperatures and salinities on the toxicity of cadmium has been studied i...