Files 01-20: This is a plantwalk in the morning in the area between Rouku and the Morehead river. (south of Rouku, along the northern bank of the Morehead). Recording 03 has been transcribed and uploaded as a separated audio file. The audio has been extracted from the video for transcription. In this recording Sékri Karmébu, Nakre Abia and Mea Abia talk about a girl (Anne) who was killed by a crocodile in 2010, about 2 months before I first visited Rouku. Files 21-32: This is another plantwalk in the afternoon in the area northwest of Rouku. We walked along the road to Morehead for about 1km. There, we left the road and took a circle through the adjacent forest. During this part, Sékri's son and Nakre's daughter walked along with us. File...