Kreativitas Belajar Dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Dalam Peningkatan Minat Belajar Ips Kelas Viii SMP Raden Fatah Kabupaten Cilacap Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

  • Kurniawan, Didip
  • , Dr. Sabar Narimo, M.M., M.Pd,
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Publication date
April 2018


The purpose of this research was: 1) to know the influence of creativity learning of students learning interest against IPS class VIII junior high school Fatah Raden Cilacap Regency year 2016/2017. 2) to know the influence of 2 learning motivation of students ' learning interest against IPS class VIII junior high school Fatah Raden Cilacap Regency year 2016/2017. 3) to know how the creativity of student learning and motivation towards learning interest in students learning social science class VIII junior high school Fatah Raden Cilacap Regency year 2016/2017. This research included quantitative research type diskriptif with the withdrawal of the conclusion through statistical methods. The population in this research is the whol...

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