A referátum a hepatitis C-vírus (HCV) patogenezisében érintett genetikai polimorfizmusokat tárgyalja, amelyek meghatározhatják a fertőzés kimenetelét. Ezen a téren korábban már a fő hisztokompatibilitási komplex alléleknek, másrészt különböző citokingén-variánsoknak a szerepét is vizsgálták. Újabban a teljesgenomtársulás-tanulmány és a célzott, egy nukleotidot érintő polimorfizmus (SNP) analízise révén az interleukin-28B (IL-28B) gén promoterrégiójában lokalizáltak egy olyan variánst, amely szoros kapcsolatot mutat a HCV eliminációjával és amely krónikus C hepatitisben a terápiás válasz legfontosabb kezelés előtti prediktorának bizonyult. Az elmúlt évben az inozin-trifoszfatáz (ITPA) hiányához vezető két génvariánsról pedig azt igazolták, h...
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is frequently characterized by evolution to chronicity and by a va...
Genetic polymorphisms near IL28B are associated with spontaneous and treatment-induced clearance of ...
Background: IL28B polymorphisms are predictors of therapy response in hepatitis C virus (HCV) patien...
AIM: To analyze the host genetics factors influencing the clinical course and the response to antivi...
Virus hepatitisa C (HCV) zaražava hepatocite i limfocite. Dio osoba zaraženih virusom spontano će se...
Aim: to determine influence of genetic polymorphisms of hepatitis C virus and single nucleotide poly...
Various clinical and genetic factors affect response to antiviral treatment of chronic hepatitis C v...
Background: Many factors contribute for viral clearance and response to antiviral therapy. Genetic p...
O vírus da hepatite C (HCV) é uma importante causa de doença hepática crônica e de complicações asso...
Background Several genes and their single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with either...
Background: It has been shown that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) near the interleukin 28B (...
UVOD: IL28B polimorfizmi se smatraju važnim prognostičkim faktorom za ishod terapije pacijenata sa h...
Soňa Fraňková: Role of host-dependent factors in prediction of antiviral treatment response in chron...
Introduction: In chronic hepatitis C-virus infection the possible role of gene variants encoding cyt...
Summary. Genetic polymorphisms near IL28B are associated with spontaneous and treatment-induced cle...
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is frequently characterized by evolution to chronicity and by a va...
Genetic polymorphisms near IL28B are associated with spontaneous and treatment-induced clearance of ...
Background: IL28B polymorphisms are predictors of therapy response in hepatitis C virus (HCV) patien...
AIM: To analyze the host genetics factors influencing the clinical course and the response to antivi...
Virus hepatitisa C (HCV) zaražava hepatocite i limfocite. Dio osoba zaraženih virusom spontano će se...
Aim: to determine influence of genetic polymorphisms of hepatitis C virus and single nucleotide poly...
Various clinical and genetic factors affect response to antiviral treatment of chronic hepatitis C v...
Background: Many factors contribute for viral clearance and response to antiviral therapy. Genetic p...
O vírus da hepatite C (HCV) é uma importante causa de doença hepática crônica e de complicações asso...
Background Several genes and their single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with either...
Background: It has been shown that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) near the interleukin 28B (...
UVOD: IL28B polimorfizmi se smatraju važnim prognostičkim faktorom za ishod terapije pacijenata sa h...
Soňa Fraňková: Role of host-dependent factors in prediction of antiviral treatment response in chron...
Introduction: In chronic hepatitis C-virus infection the possible role of gene variants encoding cyt...
Summary. Genetic polymorphisms near IL28B are associated with spontaneous and treatment-induced cle...
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is frequently characterized by evolution to chronicity and by a va...
Genetic polymorphisms near IL28B are associated with spontaneous and treatment-induced clearance of ...
Background: IL28B polymorphisms are predictors of therapy response in hepatitis C virus (HCV) patien...