Modern microprocessors tend to use on-chip caches that are much smaller than the working set size of many interesting computations. In such situations, cache performance can be improved through selective caching, use of cache replacement policies where data fetched from memory, although forwarded to the CPU, is not necessarily loaded into the cache. This paper introduces a selective caching policy called Probabilistic Cache Replacement (PCR) in which caching of data fetched from main memory is determined by a probabilistic boolean-valued function. Use of PCR creates a self-selection mechanism in which repeated misses to a word in memory increase its probability of being loaded into the cache. A PCR cache gives better reductions in instructi...
The increasing speed-gap between processor and memory and the limited memory bandwidth make last-lev...
Modern processors use high-performance cache replacement policies that outperform traditional altern...
Cache memories have a huge impact on software's worst-case execution time (WCET). While enabling the...
This paper proposes a novel methodology for cache replacement policy based on techniques of genetic ...
While hardware caches are generally effective at improving application performance, they greatly co...
Abstract—In modern processor systems, on-chip Last Level Caches (LLCs) are used to bridge the speed ...
Cache memory is a memory which is used by the central processing unit in a computer to reduce the bu...
While hardware caches are generally effective at improving application performance, they greatly com...
Cache memory is a memory which is used by the central processing unit in a computer to reduce the bu...
In this paper, a new cache replacement policy named Selection Alternative Replacement (SAR), which m...
A cache replacement algorithm called probability based replacement (PBR) is proposed in this paper. ...
A cache replacement algorithm called probability based replacement (PBR) is proposed in this paper. ...
The increasing speed-gap between processor and memory and the limited memory bandwidth make last-lev...
The increasing speed-gap between processor and memory and the limited memory bandwidth make last-lev...
Thesis (M.S.)--Wichita State University, College of Engineering, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and...
The increasing speed-gap between processor and memory and the limited memory bandwidth make last-lev...
Modern processors use high-performance cache replacement policies that outperform traditional altern...
Cache memories have a huge impact on software's worst-case execution time (WCET). While enabling the...
This paper proposes a novel methodology for cache replacement policy based on techniques of genetic ...
While hardware caches are generally effective at improving application performance, they greatly co...
Abstract—In modern processor systems, on-chip Last Level Caches (LLCs) are used to bridge the speed ...
Cache memory is a memory which is used by the central processing unit in a computer to reduce the bu...
While hardware caches are generally effective at improving application performance, they greatly com...
Cache memory is a memory which is used by the central processing unit in a computer to reduce the bu...
In this paper, a new cache replacement policy named Selection Alternative Replacement (SAR), which m...
A cache replacement algorithm called probability based replacement (PBR) is proposed in this paper. ...
A cache replacement algorithm called probability based replacement (PBR) is proposed in this paper. ...
The increasing speed-gap between processor and memory and the limited memory bandwidth make last-lev...
The increasing speed-gap between processor and memory and the limited memory bandwidth make last-lev...
Thesis (M.S.)--Wichita State University, College of Engineering, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and...
The increasing speed-gap between processor and memory and the limited memory bandwidth make last-lev...
Modern processors use high-performance cache replacement policies that outperform traditional altern...
Cache memories have a huge impact on software's worst-case execution time (WCET). While enabling the...