In recent years, chip multiprocessor architectures have emerged to scale performance while staying within tight power constraints. This trend motivates per core/block dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) with fast voltage transition. Given the high cost and bulk of off-chip DC/DC converters to implement multiple on-chip power domains, there has been a surge of interest in on-chip converters. This paper presents the design and experimental results of a fully integrated 3-level DC/DC converter that merges characteristics of both inductor-based buck and switched-capacitor (SC) converters. While off-chip buck converters show high conversion efficiency, their on-chip counterparts suffer from loss due to low quality inductors. With the he...
In recent years, significant progress was made on switched-capacitor DCDC converters as they enable ...
The first on-chip three-level boost converter with 0.28 mm2 die size is implemented using 65 nm CMOS...
As the size of the electronics in mobile and IoT devices scales down while performance demands scale...
In recent years, chip multiprocessor architectures have emerged to scale per-formance while staying ...
Dynamic response of a converter plays an important role in many applications which change load in a ...
In recent years, significant progress has been made on switched-capacitor DC-DC converters as they e...
Abstract — Integrating multiple power converters on-chip improves energy efficiency of manycore arch...
As parallelism increases the number of cores integrated onto a chip, there is a clear need for fully...
Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) is an effective strategy in reducing the power consumption of a proces...
This paper presents a fully integrated gearbox-type switched capacitor DC-DC converter that is able ...
The traditional inductor-based buck converter has been the default design for switched-mode voltage ...
Scaling of CMOS is enabling ever more complex systems to be fully-integrated on a single die, this r...
Abstract — Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) is a powerful technique to reduce power cons...
This paper presents a fully integrated on-chip switched-capacitor (SC) DC–DC converter that supports...
Integrating multiple power converters on-chip improves energy efficiency of manycore architectures. ...
In recent years, significant progress was made on switched-capacitor DCDC converters as they enable ...
The first on-chip three-level boost converter with 0.28 mm2 die size is implemented using 65 nm CMOS...
As the size of the electronics in mobile and IoT devices scales down while performance demands scale...
In recent years, chip multiprocessor architectures have emerged to scale per-formance while staying ...
Dynamic response of a converter plays an important role in many applications which change load in a ...
In recent years, significant progress has been made on switched-capacitor DC-DC converters as they e...
Abstract — Integrating multiple power converters on-chip improves energy efficiency of manycore arch...
As parallelism increases the number of cores integrated onto a chip, there is a clear need for fully...
Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) is an effective strategy in reducing the power consumption of a proces...
This paper presents a fully integrated gearbox-type switched capacitor DC-DC converter that is able ...
The traditional inductor-based buck converter has been the default design for switched-mode voltage ...
Scaling of CMOS is enabling ever more complex systems to be fully-integrated on a single die, this r...
Abstract — Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) is a powerful technique to reduce power cons...
This paper presents a fully integrated on-chip switched-capacitor (SC) DC–DC converter that supports...
Integrating multiple power converters on-chip improves energy efficiency of manycore architectures. ...
In recent years, significant progress was made on switched-capacitor DCDC converters as they enable ...
The first on-chip three-level boost converter with 0.28 mm2 die size is implemented using 65 nm CMOS...
As the size of the electronics in mobile and IoT devices scales down while performance demands scale...