While most developed States refuse accepting the concept of human right to peace, developing States support civil society organizations’ contribution to the codification and progressive development of the emerging human right to peace. This study focuses on the strong legal foundations of the human right to peace in international human rights law. Therefore, developed States should listen to other States and civil society organizations and join the ongoing codification process of the human right to peace at the UN Human Rights Council.Podczas gdy najbardziej rozwinięte państwa odmawiaj¹ uznania koncepcji prawa człowieka do pokoju, państwa rozwijające się wyrażają poparcie dla wkładu organizacji pozarządowych w proces kodyfikacji i ro...
The international codification of the human right to peace was brought to the United Nations by civi...
War and peace perpetually alternate and peace is always seen as an endless project, even a dream,...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza systemu ochrony praw człowieka w Stanach Zjednoczonych na tle pr...
While most developed States refuse accepting the concept of human right to peace, developing States...
While most developed States refuse accepting the concept of human right to peace, developing States ...
War and peace have perpetually alternated in history. Consequently, peace has always been seen as an...
16 maja 2013 r. w Oświęcimiu odbyła się międzynarodowa konferencja poświęcona prawu do pokoju. Spotk...
Wojna i pokój stale zmieniały bieg historii. W konsekwencji, pokój postrzegany był jako marzenie, ni...
Since the inception of the United Nations in 1945 the international community has been actively enga...
War and peace perpetually alternate and peace is always seen as an endless project, even a dream, to...
Tematyka praw człowieka w obecnym państwie prawa jest niezwykle ważna, ponieważ dotyczy każdego z na...
The field of Human rights is a branch connected to morality and law. Human rights refer to freedom, ...
This study presents a bottom-up approach to address the current impasse regarding the international ...
For many years international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law (HR) used to be separated b...
This study presents a bottom-up approach to address the current impasse regarding the international ...
The international codification of the human right to peace was brought to the United Nations by civi...
War and peace perpetually alternate and peace is always seen as an endless project, even a dream,...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza systemu ochrony praw człowieka w Stanach Zjednoczonych na tle pr...
While most developed States refuse accepting the concept of human right to peace, developing States...
While most developed States refuse accepting the concept of human right to peace, developing States ...
War and peace have perpetually alternated in history. Consequently, peace has always been seen as an...
16 maja 2013 r. w Oświęcimiu odbyła się międzynarodowa konferencja poświęcona prawu do pokoju. Spotk...
Wojna i pokój stale zmieniały bieg historii. W konsekwencji, pokój postrzegany był jako marzenie, ni...
Since the inception of the United Nations in 1945 the international community has been actively enga...
War and peace perpetually alternate and peace is always seen as an endless project, even a dream, to...
Tematyka praw człowieka w obecnym państwie prawa jest niezwykle ważna, ponieważ dotyczy każdego z na...
The field of Human rights is a branch connected to morality and law. Human rights refer to freedom, ...
This study presents a bottom-up approach to address the current impasse regarding the international ...
For many years international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law (HR) used to be separated b...
This study presents a bottom-up approach to address the current impasse regarding the international ...
The international codification of the human right to peace was brought to the United Nations by civi...
War and peace perpetually alternate and peace is always seen as an endless project, even a dream,...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest analiza systemu ochrony praw człowieka w Stanach Zjednoczonych na tle pr...