The blunted tip of a pandan (Pandanus conoideus) splitting tool. The tool is derived from the tibiotarsus of a cassowary and it resembles, as Cranstone [27] put it, a "gauge." The provenance of this tool is uncertain and it exists in the private collection of Professor Robin Hide, Australian National University (photograph by Robin Hide, reproduced with permission)
<p>(a) compact bone structure with hollow centre; (b) detail showing man-made incisions in the bone ...
International audiencePurported early hominid bone tools from Olduvai Gorge are studied for microsco...
Stone-tipped weapons were a significant innovation for Middle Pleistocene hominins. Hafted hunting t...
Bone daggers were once widespread in New Guinea. Their purpose was both symbolic and utilitarian; th...
Cross-sectional images and the maximum and minimum moments of inertia for each bone dagger in the pr...
Force-displacement response and the maximum force measured in a cantilever bending test of a cassowa...
International audienceCassowaries (Casuarius) are one of the largest indigenous animal species of Ne...
Here we describe the oldest shaped and utilised bone implement recovered from an Australian context....
Ten large tools found at or near Gwaimasi village are described. The four waisted blades in the coll...
Geometry of cassowary bone daggers accessioned in the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth Colleg
The West Tofts handaxe is a small British Acheulean biface well known for its cortical preservation ...
The ways of life of the inhabitants of prehistoric New Britain were almost unknown to archaeologists...
Bone tool-use by Early Pleistocene hominins is at the centre of debates in human evolution. It is es...
As a second year grad student at the University of Rhode Island focusing on the historic aspect of c...
A cast bronze sword grip in the shape of a crouching lion was excavated from the north side of the c...
<p>(a) compact bone structure with hollow centre; (b) detail showing man-made incisions in the bone ...
International audiencePurported early hominid bone tools from Olduvai Gorge are studied for microsco...
Stone-tipped weapons were a significant innovation for Middle Pleistocene hominins. Hafted hunting t...
Bone daggers were once widespread in New Guinea. Their purpose was both symbolic and utilitarian; th...
Cross-sectional images and the maximum and minimum moments of inertia for each bone dagger in the pr...
Force-displacement response and the maximum force measured in a cantilever bending test of a cassowa...
International audienceCassowaries (Casuarius) are one of the largest indigenous animal species of Ne...
Here we describe the oldest shaped and utilised bone implement recovered from an Australian context....
Ten large tools found at or near Gwaimasi village are described. The four waisted blades in the coll...
Geometry of cassowary bone daggers accessioned in the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth Colleg
The West Tofts handaxe is a small British Acheulean biface well known for its cortical preservation ...
The ways of life of the inhabitants of prehistoric New Britain were almost unknown to archaeologists...
Bone tool-use by Early Pleistocene hominins is at the centre of debates in human evolution. It is es...
As a second year grad student at the University of Rhode Island focusing on the historic aspect of c...
A cast bronze sword grip in the shape of a crouching lion was excavated from the north side of the c...
<p>(a) compact bone structure with hollow centre; (b) detail showing man-made incisions in the bone ...
International audiencePurported early hominid bone tools from Olduvai Gorge are studied for microsco...
Stone-tipped weapons were a significant innovation for Middle Pleistocene hominins. Hafted hunting t...