Representative image of equine ASC phenotype. Equine ASC phenotype panel. Positive markers: CD44, CD29, CD90, and MHC I. Negative markers: F6B and MHC II. (JPEG 46 kb
Stem cell therapy has shown promising results in tendinitis and osteoarthritis in equine medicine. T...
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells that can give rise to a range of connective...
Is a figure showing flow histograms of CellTrace™ dye in MSCs cryopreserved in six different freezin...
Representative images of neurologic patients, spinal cord cross-sections, H&E stain. A) Several dila...
Histogram of MHC Class II expression of MSCs from a (A) representative horse that was negative (hors...
Scoring systems used for radiologic, gross anatomy and histopathologic assessments. (DOCX 24Â kb
Is a figure showing the percentage of viable cells post thaw. Percentage of viable cells post thaw o...
Synovial fluid cytology box plots of total nucleated cell count (TNCC), percentage of neutrophils (P...
Primers used for gene expression by real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. (DOCX 17 kb
Percentage of change of the carpal perimeter at each time-point compared to Time 0 (pre-lesion). (DO...
Figure S1. MSCs pre- and post transplantation. Figure S1A, B mCherry+MSCs prior to transplantation (...
Regression analysis and least squares means for BMSC migration data. Results of BMSC migration data ...
Adherent cells were lifted from culture after one passaging and test for the presence of bovine MSC ...
BackgroundAs the search for an immune privileged allogeneic donor mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) line c...
BackgroundIt is currently unknown if the intrathecal administration of a high dose of allogeneic mes...
Stem cell therapy has shown promising results in tendinitis and osteoarthritis in equine medicine. T...
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells that can give rise to a range of connective...
Is a figure showing flow histograms of CellTrace™ dye in MSCs cryopreserved in six different freezin...
Representative images of neurologic patients, spinal cord cross-sections, H&E stain. A) Several dila...
Histogram of MHC Class II expression of MSCs from a (A) representative horse that was negative (hors...
Scoring systems used for radiologic, gross anatomy and histopathologic assessments. (DOCX 24Â kb
Is a figure showing the percentage of viable cells post thaw. Percentage of viable cells post thaw o...
Synovial fluid cytology box plots of total nucleated cell count (TNCC), percentage of neutrophils (P...
Primers used for gene expression by real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. (DOCX 17 kb
Percentage of change of the carpal perimeter at each time-point compared to Time 0 (pre-lesion). (DO...
Figure S1. MSCs pre- and post transplantation. Figure S1A, B mCherry+MSCs prior to transplantation (...
Regression analysis and least squares means for BMSC migration data. Results of BMSC migration data ...
Adherent cells were lifted from culture after one passaging and test for the presence of bovine MSC ...
BackgroundAs the search for an immune privileged allogeneic donor mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) line c...
BackgroundIt is currently unknown if the intrathecal administration of a high dose of allogeneic mes...
Stem cell therapy has shown promising results in tendinitis and osteoarthritis in equine medicine. T...
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent stem cells that can give rise to a range of connective...
Is a figure showing flow histograms of CellTrace™ dye in MSCs cryopreserved in six different freezin...