The article is a critical reading of Jacques Derrida’s Spectres of Marx. Apart from presenting the Eagleton's and Negri’s critical interpretations and philosophical unproductiveness of Derrida's proposals, I also try to show their inability to fulfill the ethical and political promises, which they makes.Artykuł jest krytyczna interpretacją Widm Marksa Jacquesa Derridy. Obok przedstawienia krytycznych odczytań Eagletona czy Negriego, próbuję pokazać nie tylko filozoficzną jałowość propozycji Derridy, ale także niezdolność do wywiązania się z politycznych i etycznych obietnic, które składa
Jak to możliwe, że G.W.F. Hegel, jeden z fundatorów nowoczesnej filozofii prawa, jest we współczesny...
The article presents new natural law theory’s concept of law. The first part of the article focuses ...
"Wartości istnieją obiektywnie. Jest ich wiele, choć ich liczba (jeśli nie teoretycznie, to praktyc...
This article undertakes a reflection on selected aspects of biblical ethics. A parallel reading of t...
In this article I would like to reconstruct Kazimierz Twardowski’s views concerning the clarity and ...
The presented paper examined the complex notion of human freedom from the point of view of philosoph...
L’articolo riguarda la questione della procedura del processus brevior. In primo luogo, l’autore de...
The Discourse of the Subject’s Beliefs, and the Narrative Identity of the Individual and of Society,...
This short sketch, departing from questions about personal pronouns, shows the paradoxical, self-co...
Slavoj Žižek in one of his books (In Defense of Lost Causes) suggests thinking over the conception ...
Uno dei problemi maggiori della cristologia odierna viene costituito dalla questione della scienza e...
The question of the relation between two different subjects is a crucial one in J. P. Sartre's philo...
The article is an analysis of Anna Świrszczyńska’s poem "Macierzyństwo" and its two English transla...
Christians of the “martyrs era” (especially during the second century AD), discussed not only their ...
A large Prologue to the second part of the Face of the Moon by Teodor Parnicki shows a mechanism of...
Jak to możliwe, że G.W.F. Hegel, jeden z fundatorów nowoczesnej filozofii prawa, jest we współczesny...
The article presents new natural law theory’s concept of law. The first part of the article focuses ...
"Wartości istnieją obiektywnie. Jest ich wiele, choć ich liczba (jeśli nie teoretycznie, to praktyc...
This article undertakes a reflection on selected aspects of biblical ethics. A parallel reading of t...
In this article I would like to reconstruct Kazimierz Twardowski’s views concerning the clarity and ...
The presented paper examined the complex notion of human freedom from the point of view of philosoph...
L’articolo riguarda la questione della procedura del processus brevior. In primo luogo, l’autore de...
The Discourse of the Subject’s Beliefs, and the Narrative Identity of the Individual and of Society,...
This short sketch, departing from questions about personal pronouns, shows the paradoxical, self-co...
Slavoj Žižek in one of his books (In Defense of Lost Causes) suggests thinking over the conception ...
Uno dei problemi maggiori della cristologia odierna viene costituito dalla questione della scienza e...
The question of the relation between two different subjects is a crucial one in J. P. Sartre's philo...
The article is an analysis of Anna Świrszczyńska’s poem "Macierzyństwo" and its two English transla...
Christians of the “martyrs era” (especially during the second century AD), discussed not only their ...
A large Prologue to the second part of the Face of the Moon by Teodor Parnicki shows a mechanism of...
Jak to możliwe, że G.W.F. Hegel, jeden z fundatorów nowoczesnej filozofii prawa, jest we współczesny...
The article presents new natural law theory’s concept of law. The first part of the article focuses ...
"Wartości istnieją obiektywnie. Jest ich wiele, choć ich liczba (jeśli nie teoretycznie, to praktyc...