International audienceLake La Thuile, in the Northern French Prealps (874 m a.s.l.), provides an 18-m long sedimentary sequence spanning the entire Lateglacial/Holocene period. The high-resolution multi-proxy (sedimentological, palynological, and geochemical) analysis of the uppermost 6.2 m reveals the Holocene dynamics of erosion in the catchment in response to landscape modifications. The mountain belt is at relevant altitude to study past human activities, and the watershed is sufficiently disconnected from large valleys to capture a local sedimentary signal. From 12,000 to 10,000 cal. BP (10-8 kyr cal. BC), the onset of hardwood species triggered a drop in erosion following the Lateglacial/Holocene transition. From 10,000 to 4500 cal. B...