八重山諸島西表島西部に位置する網取湾と船浮湾ならびに石垣島北部に位置する浦底湾において採集された花冠状群体を形成する2種のコモンサンゴ類, ホソスジコモンサンゴ(新称) Montipora delicatula Veron, 2000 とハナコモンサンゴ (新称) M. florida Nemenzo, 1967 を報告した. 両種共に日本初記録となる. 両種は水深15–26 m にかけての礁斜面で観察され, 西表島では同じ環境に同所的に分布した. 多数の標本調査によって, 群体上面の表面構造, 特に共骨や微小突起・畝状突起等の付属突起の発達度合には両種共に大きな変異があることが確認された
The genus Acropora is dominant in the hard coral community structure around the Indo-Pacific reefs ...
A single specimen of Sphenopus marsupialis (Gmelin, 1791) was discovered within a reserve aquarium a...
Hermatypic coral fauna along the coast of Mie Prefecture were studied through qualitative surveys an...
これまでフィリピン, インドネシア, マレーシアおよびパプアニューギニアから知られていたNemenzophyllia turbida Hodgson & Ross, 1982が, 西表島網取湾内の礁斜...
Sandalolitha dentata Quelch, 1884, is recorded from around Iriomote Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, f...
A new scleractinian coral species, Amphiastraea kattoi is described in this paper. It was collected ...
Two himerometrid comatulids from Okinawa-jima Island are reported as new to the Japanese crinoid fau...
The coral fauna of Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay around Mandapam in South India, is one which has rece...
During a visit to the Fiji Islands, of about three weeks in March, 1949, through the kind help of Mr...
琉球大学21世紀プログラム「サンゴ礁島嶼系の生物多様性の総合解析」平成18年度成果発表会(平成19年3月10日開催) 招待講演会会場:琉球大学50周年記念館1F,ポスター発表会場:琉球大学大学会館3
Genus Montipora de Blainville, 1830Published as part of Samiei, Jahangir Vajed, Dab, Koosha, Ghezell...
Nanipora Miyazaki & Reimer, 2015 is a recently discovered genus of aragonite-skeleton producing octo...
One of the key issues in coral evolutionary biology is the significance of interspecific hybridisati...
The genus Acropora is dominant in the hard coral community structure around the Indo-Pacific reefs ...
A single specimen of Sphenopus marsupialis (Gmelin, 1791) was discovered within a reserve aquarium a...
Hermatypic coral fauna along the coast of Mie Prefecture were studied through qualitative surveys an...
これまでフィリピン, インドネシア, マレーシアおよびパプアニューギニアから知られていたNemenzophyllia turbida Hodgson & Ross, 1982が, 西表島網取湾内の礁斜...
Sandalolitha dentata Quelch, 1884, is recorded from around Iriomote Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, f...
A new scleractinian coral species, Amphiastraea kattoi is described in this paper. It was collected ...
Two himerometrid comatulids from Okinawa-jima Island are reported as new to the Japanese crinoid fau...
The coral fauna of Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay around Mandapam in South India, is one which has rece...
During a visit to the Fiji Islands, of about three weeks in March, 1949, through the kind help of Mr...
琉球大学21世紀プログラム「サンゴ礁島嶼系の生物多様性の総合解析」平成18年度成果発表会(平成19年3月10日開催) 招待講演会会場:琉球大学50周年記念館1F,ポスター発表会場:琉球大学大学会館3
Genus Montipora de Blainville, 1830Published as part of Samiei, Jahangir Vajed, Dab, Koosha, Ghezell...
Nanipora Miyazaki & Reimer, 2015 is a recently discovered genus of aragonite-skeleton producing octo...
One of the key issues in coral evolutionary biology is the significance of interspecific hybridisati...
The genus Acropora is dominant in the hard coral community structure around the Indo-Pacific reefs ...
A single specimen of Sphenopus marsupialis (Gmelin, 1791) was discovered within a reserve aquarium a...