We present the initial results of a 3-mm spectral-line survey towards 83 methanol maserselected massive star-forming regions. Here, we report observations of the J=5-4 and 6-5 rotational transitions of methyl cyanide (CH3CN) and the J=1-0 transition of HCO+ and (HCO+)-C-13. CH3CN emission is detected in 58 sources (70 per cent of our sample). We estimate the temperature and column density for 37 of these using the rotational diagram (RD) method. The temperatures we derive range from 28-166 K, and are lower than previously reported temperatures, derived from higher J transitions. We find that CH3CN is brighter and more commonly detected towards ultracompact HII (UCHII) regions than towards isolated maser sources. Detection of CH3CN towards i...