Etxeko eta zaintza lanetan aritzen diren Latinoamerikako emakume etorkinen egoera: Bilboko kasua

  • Castillo Rojas, Aynara
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Publication date
May 2017


[EN] This dissertation has the objective of research the situation of the women from Latin America in the Basque Country, heeding the magnitude that the domestic work sector has in their experiences. The research wants to analyse the situation of those workers and know how to enable their inclusion from the area of the Social Education. In order to achieve the objective two tools based in the qualitative methodology have been used: Life History and Relief Maps. The results show that they have migrated mainly in order to improve their economic situation or to hide from gender violence situations. They repeated that the main factor in their inclusion process is the labour, among others, in despite of that they have reported the working condi...

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