Sée Henri. Warner (Wellmann J.), The Wesleyan Movement in the Industrial Revolution, 1930. In: Revue d'histoire moderne, tome 5 N°27,1930. pp. 225-226
Hauser Henri. Pearson (A. F. Scott), Church and Slate. Political aspects of XVIth Century Puritanism...
Bulletin de l'histoire du Protestantisme français. 1906. In: Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporai...
Revue d'histoire des doctrines économiques et sociales, 1910. In: Revue d'histoire moderne et contem...
Sée Henri. George Unwin, Arthur Hulm et George Taylor, Samuel Old-know and the Arkwrights. The indus...
Koszul André. Gow, Henry, The Unitarians, 1928. In: Revue des Sciences Religieuses, tome 9, fascicul...
Patch William L. jr., Christian Trade Unions in the Weimar Republic, 1918- 1933 . In: Vingtième Sièc...
Sée Henri. Thomas Southcliffe Ashton, Iron and steel a in the industrial revolution. In: Revue d'his...
Goguel Maurice. Ernst Lohmeyer, Grundlagen paulinischer Theologie [Beitrage zur historischen Theolog...
Monod Victor. Walter Marshall Horton, professeur à Oberlin College, Theism and the scientific spirit...
Coornaert Émile. Dunham (A.-L.), The anglo-french treaty of commerce of 1860 and the progress of the...
Cahen Léon. Temperley (Harold) et Penson (Lilian M.), Short Bibliography of Modem European History, ...
Pollet J. V.-M. Harold J. Grimm, The Reformation Era 1500-1650, 1954. In: Revue des Sciences Religie...
Meyhoffer Jean. Piette (Maximin). John Wesley in the Evolution of Protestantism, translated by the H...
Préclin Edmond. Sparrow Simpson (W. J.), The history of the Anglo Catholic revival from 1845, 1932. ...
Morrisson Christian. Deane (Phyllis) - The first industrial revolution.. In: Revue économique, volum...
Hauser Henri. Pearson (A. F. Scott), Church and Slate. Political aspects of XVIth Century Puritanism...
Bulletin de l'histoire du Protestantisme français. 1906. In: Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporai...
Revue d'histoire des doctrines économiques et sociales, 1910. In: Revue d'histoire moderne et contem...
Sée Henri. George Unwin, Arthur Hulm et George Taylor, Samuel Old-know and the Arkwrights. The indus...
Koszul André. Gow, Henry, The Unitarians, 1928. In: Revue des Sciences Religieuses, tome 9, fascicul...
Patch William L. jr., Christian Trade Unions in the Weimar Republic, 1918- 1933 . In: Vingtième Sièc...
Sée Henri. Thomas Southcliffe Ashton, Iron and steel a in the industrial revolution. In: Revue d'his...
Goguel Maurice. Ernst Lohmeyer, Grundlagen paulinischer Theologie [Beitrage zur historischen Theolog...
Monod Victor. Walter Marshall Horton, professeur à Oberlin College, Theism and the scientific spirit...
Coornaert Émile. Dunham (A.-L.), The anglo-french treaty of commerce of 1860 and the progress of the...
Cahen Léon. Temperley (Harold) et Penson (Lilian M.), Short Bibliography of Modem European History, ...
Pollet J. V.-M. Harold J. Grimm, The Reformation Era 1500-1650, 1954. In: Revue des Sciences Religie...
Meyhoffer Jean. Piette (Maximin). John Wesley in the Evolution of Protestantism, translated by the H...
Préclin Edmond. Sparrow Simpson (W. J.), The history of the Anglo Catholic revival from 1845, 1932. ...
Morrisson Christian. Deane (Phyllis) - The first industrial revolution.. In: Revue économique, volum...
Hauser Henri. Pearson (A. F. Scott), Church and Slate. Political aspects of XVIth Century Puritanism...
Bulletin de l'histoire du Protestantisme français. 1906. In: Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporai...
Revue d'histoire des doctrines économiques et sociales, 1910. In: Revue d'histoire moderne et contem...