The thesis focuses on the topic of changing eating habits from the time of Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová to contemporary trends of healthy lifestyle. It is a gradual development of eating from the late 18th century to the present. In the thereoretic part there is a discription of the contrast of the Czech writer's life and a present-day lifestyle. We can find a chapter about a life of Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová, background information leading up to, writing the cook book "Cooking at home", which became a convenient handbook for women, containing instructions and directions for kitchen guidance and complex advice for women how to manner as a wife, mother and patriot and also their influence on education of young girls. Next chapter deal w...
Presented diploma thesis deals with a problematics of shopping and nutritional habits in the Czech s...
The bachelor thesis "Cooking and Society" focuses on cooking, a process of food preparation. The the...
Studie se snaží ukázat vývoj kuchařských knih a proměny gastronomické literatury mezi lety 1900–1938...
(english) Just like the whole society is going through modernization, culture and tradition is exper...
I focused on changes in eating habits of Czech people during a century. I have solved this problem b...
(in English) The current thesis on Nourishment of the czech aristocracy in period before Bílá Hora a...
This diploma thesis focuses on the possibilities of using local, traditional and unusual recipes in ...
(in English) The Bachelor thesis deals with a topic of food and food consumption in the history of m...
The popularity of the First Czechoslovak Republic in today's press is evident. The rebirth of Czech ...
Tato diplomová práce zpracovává kuchařské knihy vydané mezi lety 1900-1938. Hodnotí jejich vývoj a r...
This bachelor thesis is called "How school meals work in the Czech Republic in the 21st century in t...
The aim of the thesis is the analysis of "domestication" of the scientific-technical revolution and ...
Žabková, T. Trends in Food Consumption in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Diploma thesis. Brno: Men...
Traditionally, medieval cuisine belongs to the realm of historical or cultural anthropology, as the ...
Diploma thesis "Gastronomy in cultural history" is a cultural study focusing on the development and ...
Presented diploma thesis deals with a problematics of shopping and nutritional habits in the Czech s...
The bachelor thesis "Cooking and Society" focuses on cooking, a process of food preparation. The the...
Studie se snaží ukázat vývoj kuchařských knih a proměny gastronomické literatury mezi lety 1900–1938...
(english) Just like the whole society is going through modernization, culture and tradition is exper...
I focused on changes in eating habits of Czech people during a century. I have solved this problem b...
(in English) The current thesis on Nourishment of the czech aristocracy in period before Bílá Hora a...
This diploma thesis focuses on the possibilities of using local, traditional and unusual recipes in ...
(in English) The Bachelor thesis deals with a topic of food and food consumption in the history of m...
The popularity of the First Czechoslovak Republic in today's press is evident. The rebirth of Czech ...
Tato diplomová práce zpracovává kuchařské knihy vydané mezi lety 1900-1938. Hodnotí jejich vývoj a r...
This bachelor thesis is called "How school meals work in the Czech Republic in the 21st century in t...
The aim of the thesis is the analysis of "domestication" of the scientific-technical revolution and ...
Žabková, T. Trends in Food Consumption in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Diploma thesis. Brno: Men...
Traditionally, medieval cuisine belongs to the realm of historical or cultural anthropology, as the ...
Diploma thesis "Gastronomy in cultural history" is a cultural study focusing on the development and ...
Presented diploma thesis deals with a problematics of shopping and nutritional habits in the Czech s...
The bachelor thesis "Cooking and Society" focuses on cooking, a process of food preparation. The the...
Studie se snaží ukázat vývoj kuchařských knih a proměny gastronomické literatury mezi lety 1900–1938...