Cover Photo Credit: William P. Sterne, Jr. IN THIS ISSUE: 2 It’s the Spirit That Counts, General Superintendent: Raymond W. Hurn 3 Giving Is Living, D. Moody Gunter 3 Let There Be Light, E. Ruth Glover 4 Letters 5 What Shall I Give?, Jorge Barros 6 Christians Helping Others – Stewardship or Lordship?, Finley Knowles 7 Bright Tomorrows (a Poem), Elna Rogers Worts 7 Chaplains and Changed Lives, Damien Cox 8 Steps to Sanctification, John W. May 9 A Foolish Risk, Jane Brewington 10 Mental Health, Albert J. Lown 11 Old but New, Anna Marie Lockard 12 With a Bible and a Telephone Book, Nina Beegle 13 The Appointment (a Poem), Bud Reedy 14 Disguised as an Angel of Light, Robert Ulrich 15 The Greening, R. Franklin Cook and Steve Weber 16 The Editor’...