Cover Photo Credit: Crandall Vail IN THIS ISSUE: (Cover) Morning Glory (a Poem), Alice Crane Behr 2 A New Franchise…In Evangelism, General Superintendent: Raymond W. Hurn 3 Music that Changed the World, Dee Collins 4 Letters 5 The Praying Jesus, Albert J. Lown 6 My Covenant, Frances Burris 8 Be Perfect – But Be Careful, Roy Austin 9 Nazarene Roots: B. F. Haynes and the Herald of Holiness 10 Liberation Community, Carol Wheeler 11 Your Sunrise, Karen Lea 11 “Because You Gave…”, Curt Dowling 12 A Source of Power, Morris Chalfant 13 “But If Not…”, Dellora West 14 Fruit on the Condemned Branch, Janalee Hoffman 15 Heritage in the Warmed Heart: Our Holiness Roots, Peter W. Gentry 16 The Editor’s Standpoint, W. E. McCumber 18 Life’s Price Tags, Car...