EDITORIAL Forgive One Another, Randal E. Denny FEATURE Revisionists Violate Christ’s Teaching and Arouse Political Ire, Lawrence A. Schulz; I’m Not a Racist, But . . . , Al Miles; When Your Children Divorce: The Church’s Response, Elaine Seppa PASTORAL CARE Walking with the Wounded, Karen Lunsford; The Funeral—Obligation or Opportunity?, Douglas L. Janssen CHRISTIAN MINISTRY Opening Prison Doors for Women in Ministry—Setting the Captives Free, Doug Samples; A Shepherd’s Hands, Joyce Williams PASTOR’S PERSONAL GROWTH The Eighth Quarter of Ministry, Kenneth Vogt; 1 + 1 = Survival, Carl C. Green THEOLOGY Salvation and Judgment: Two Sides of God’s Love, Robert G. Tuttle Jr. THOUGHTS IN A THEOLOGIAN’S CORNER Holiness Baptistification, J. ...