Beyond Bitterness, Editorial Servanthood: The Pastor Deals with Resistance, C. S. Cowles Dreams and Goal Setting, D. R. Peterman Creating a High Level of Trust, Neil E. Hightower Mostad Played the Tuba, Carlos H. Sparks Preaching That Provides a Balanced Diet, Arthur Brown, Jr. Pastor? (poem), Stanley Sutter The Lord Does Care!, Arthur J. Stott John Wesley on Observance of Communion, Donald Wood It’s Easy to Feed a Preacher’s Ego, Practical Points Guidelines for a Young Pastor, Earl G. Lee Pastor Jones, Superstar, Michael Sellars Seven-Day Week (poem), Edward F. Cox Significance of the Sacrament (sermon), David J. Tarrant The Starting Point, C. Neil Strait Looking at Our Lord in Luke, Ralph Earle DEPARTMENTS Wesleyana In the Study Timely Ou...