List of instruments reviewed. Referenced list of the twenty instruments reviewed with a short description of each instrument. (DOCX 42Â kb
Main themes and categories derived from the analysis. Table showing the main themes and all categori...
PMID list of included studies accompanied with journal name and year of publication. (XLSX 14Â kb
Search strategy for systematic reviews including meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials publi...
Long-list of PROMs identified. Long-list of all PROMs identified through the first review of abstrac...
Data extraction sheet column headings description. Description of the column headings and possible c...
List of included systematic reviews, along with their AMSTAR assessments. (DOCX 33 kb
Quality assessment scores of research studies using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). (DOCX 5...
Methods for Integrating Existing Systematic Reviews into New Reviews. (DOCX 25âkb
PRISMA-P (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis Protocols) 2015 checklis...
References of the included Health Technology Assessment monographs from 2004 (n = 22) and 2014 (n = ...
Best evidence synthesis: sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis with regard to the impact of lar...
PRISMA checklist for systematic reviews and IPD meta-analyses. This file includes the PRISMA checkli...
Search criteria used for a systematic review in telemedicine. The additional file includes the searc...
Additional file 2: Table 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses exten...
PRISMA assessment of each individual review. Final scores for all reviews based on each individual i...
Main themes and categories derived from the analysis. Table showing the main themes and all categori...
PMID list of included studies accompanied with journal name and year of publication. (XLSX 14Â kb
Search strategy for systematic reviews including meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials publi...
Long-list of PROMs identified. Long-list of all PROMs identified through the first review of abstrac...
Data extraction sheet column headings description. Description of the column headings and possible c...
List of included systematic reviews, along with their AMSTAR assessments. (DOCX 33 kb
Quality assessment scores of research studies using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). (DOCX 5...
Methods for Integrating Existing Systematic Reviews into New Reviews. (DOCX 25âkb
PRISMA-P (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis Protocols) 2015 checklis...
References of the included Health Technology Assessment monographs from 2004 (n = 22) and 2014 (n = ...
Best evidence synthesis: sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis with regard to the impact of lar...
PRISMA checklist for systematic reviews and IPD meta-analyses. This file includes the PRISMA checkli...
Search criteria used for a systematic review in telemedicine. The additional file includes the searc...
Additional file 2: Table 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses exten...
PRISMA assessment of each individual review. Final scores for all reviews based on each individual i...
Main themes and categories derived from the analysis. Table showing the main themes and all categori...
PMID list of included studies accompanied with journal name and year of publication. (XLSX 14Â kb
Search strategy for systematic reviews including meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials publi...