<p>Sensitivity, specificity and F1 score values obtained from Model G by binning(-b) and NN(-n) estimators with different data lengths and coupling strengths.</p
Sensitivity analysis and comparison of influence of individual parameter estimates on overall fit of...
<p>Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values for different screening algorithms</p
(A) Principal component loading and principal component of parameter sets in positive data. (B) Rela...
<p>Sensitivity, specificity and F1 score values obtained from Model F by binning(-b) and NN(-n) esti...
<p>Sensitivity, specificity and F1 score values obtained from Model C by binning(-b) and NN(-n) esti...
<p>Sensitivity, specificity and F1 score values obtained from Model D by binning(-b) and NN(-n) esti...
<p>Sensitivity, specificity and F1 score values obtained from Model E by binning(-b) and NN(-n) esti...
<p>“▴” denotes that a p-value of <0.001 was obtained by ANOVA between F-score_FDA and F-score_SVM; “...
<p>Sensitivity and specificity are obtained from three coupled Henon maps with data length from 256 ...
<p>Sensitivity and specificity are obtained for models with a varying noise from 0.01 to 0.04 (marke...
<p>These graphs show the relationships between sensitivity (above) and specificity (below) and thres...
Sensitivity and specificity of the model established by Wang based on our data (Wang et al).</p
<p>Parameter values used in model. Parameters used in the sensitivity analysis were drawn from unifo...
<p>A: Univariate sensitivity indices of model parameters. Univariate sensitivity measures were calcu...
<p>Model parameters that have been included in the sensitivity analysis, their upper and lower bound...
Sensitivity analysis and comparison of influence of individual parameter estimates on overall fit of...
<p>Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values for different screening algorithms</p
(A) Principal component loading and principal component of parameter sets in positive data. (B) Rela...
<p>Sensitivity, specificity and F1 score values obtained from Model F by binning(-b) and NN(-n) esti...
<p>Sensitivity, specificity and F1 score values obtained from Model C by binning(-b) and NN(-n) esti...
<p>Sensitivity, specificity and F1 score values obtained from Model D by binning(-b) and NN(-n) esti...
<p>Sensitivity, specificity and F1 score values obtained from Model E by binning(-b) and NN(-n) esti...
<p>“▴” denotes that a p-value of <0.001 was obtained by ANOVA between F-score_FDA and F-score_SVM; “...
<p>Sensitivity and specificity are obtained from three coupled Henon maps with data length from 256 ...
<p>Sensitivity and specificity are obtained for models with a varying noise from 0.01 to 0.04 (marke...
<p>These graphs show the relationships between sensitivity (above) and specificity (below) and thres...
Sensitivity and specificity of the model established by Wang based on our data (Wang et al).</p
<p>Parameter values used in model. Parameters used in the sensitivity analysis were drawn from unifo...
<p>A: Univariate sensitivity indices of model parameters. Univariate sensitivity measures were calcu...
<p>Model parameters that have been included in the sensitivity analysis, their upper and lower bound...
Sensitivity analysis and comparison of influence of individual parameter estimates on overall fit of...
<p>Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values for different screening algorithms</p
(A) Principal component loading and principal component of parameter sets in positive data. (B) Rela...