<p>The Cave Bear, <i>Ursus spelaeus</i> (<i>sensu lato</i>), was one of many megafaunal species that became extinct during the Late Pleistocene in Europe. With new data we revisit the debate about the extinction and paleoecology of this species by presenting new chronometric, isotopic and taphonomic evidence from two Palaeolithic cave bear sites in northeastern Italy: Paina Cave and Trene Cave. Two direct radiocarbon dates on well-preserved collagen have yielded ages around 24,200–23,500 cal yr BP, which make them the latest known representatives of the species in Europe. The carbon (<i>δ</i><sup>13</sup>C) and nitrogen (<i>δ</i><sup>15</sup>N) isotopic values of bone collagen exhibit values similar to those of older cave bears from Swabian...