No abstract available. Article truncated at 150 words. A 47-year-old Ethiopian immunocompetent male with no past medical history presented with cough and blood tinged sputum for 1 month with no fever, night sweats, or weight loss. Chest X-ray showed bilateral upper lobe cavitary lesions (Figure 1). Computed tomography of the chest showed bilateral upper lobe, multiple thick-walled cavities with associated tree in bud opacities and consolidation in the right lower lobe (Figure 2). TB was ruled out and a bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed. Cytology on the BAL showed the presence of Coccidioides immitis spherules (Figure 3). Serum coccidioidomycosis by complement fixation 1:64 with positive IgG by immunodiffusion; serum antigen by EIA ...