В статье представлены современные направления научных исследований в женском спорте, которые раскрывают особенности адаптационных реакций организма спортсменок к специфическим нагрузкам. The article deals with the current trends of women sports scientific investigation which reveal the peculiarities of adaptive reactions of sportswomen’s organism to specific loadings
Female-specific research on sports science and sports medicine (SSSM) fails to mirror the increase i...
The aim of this study is to estimate the ratio of male and female participants in Sports and Exercis...
Until recently, there has been less demand for and interest in female-specific sport and exercise sc...
Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. - 2016. - № 1. - С. 107-113. - Библиогр.: с. 113 (7 назв...
The article examines socio-pedagogical and gender approaches in sports, gender stereotypes and concl...
本研究の目的は,人々のスポーツへの関与に影響を与える要因に関する研究の動向を明ら かにすることである。先行研究は,⑴スポーツへの実施・非実施についての規定要因,⑵ス ポーツを継続して行う規定要因,⑶競...
The article is devoted to the analysis of visual-motor responses of women in health-enhancing physic...
The present PhD thesis is compilation of various investigations for the development of a physiologic...
Bu araştırma; rekreatif amaçlı aerobik ve fitnes egzersizi yapan orta yaşlı sedanter bireylerin, fiz...
Bu çalışma, Denizli ilinde spor yapan kadınlar ile spor yapmayan kadınların spora olan ilgilerini de...
The current book presents the articles included in the Special Issue “Women in Sports and Exercise: ...
У статті проаналізовано рівень інтересу та ставлення до фізичної культури й спорту студенток універс...
Purpose: To present comparative results of the study, in determining which changes in the menstrual ...
Female-specific research on sports science and sports medicine (SSSM) fails to mirror the increase i...
The aim of this study is to estimate the ratio of male and female participants in Sports and Exercis...
Until recently, there has been less demand for and interest in female-specific sport and exercise sc...
Веснік Віцебскага дзяржаўнага ўніверсітэта. - 2016. - № 1. - С. 107-113. - Библиогр.: с. 113 (7 назв...
The article examines socio-pedagogical and gender approaches in sports, gender stereotypes and concl...
本研究の目的は,人々のスポーツへの関与に影響を与える要因に関する研究の動向を明ら かにすることである。先行研究は,⑴スポーツへの実施・非実施についての規定要因,⑵ス ポーツを継続して行う規定要因,⑶競...
The article is devoted to the analysis of visual-motor responses of women in health-enhancing physic...
The present PhD thesis is compilation of various investigations for the development of a physiologic...
Bu araştırma; rekreatif amaçlı aerobik ve fitnes egzersizi yapan orta yaşlı sedanter bireylerin, fiz...
Bu çalışma, Denizli ilinde spor yapan kadınlar ile spor yapmayan kadınların spora olan ilgilerini de...
The current book presents the articles included in the Special Issue “Women in Sports and Exercise: ...
У статті проаналізовано рівень інтересу та ставлення до фізичної культури й спорту студенток універс...
Purpose: To present comparative results of the study, in determining which changes in the menstrual ...
Female-specific research on sports science and sports medicine (SSSM) fails to mirror the increase i...
The aim of this study is to estimate the ratio of male and female participants in Sports and Exercis...
Until recently, there has been less demand for and interest in female-specific sport and exercise sc...