The purpose of the study was to describe care managers’ experiences of assessment process in care measures for elderly, focusing on the relatives’ influence. The study was carried out with five care managers in Stockholm city through qualitative semi-structured interviews. The study´s empirical data was analysed with Lipsky’s theory of freedom of action and concepts of power such as; structural power, intentional power and normative power. The conclusion of our study is that care managers’ freedom of action is limited by both budget demands and how the services unit decides to organize itself. Law, guidelines, budget and the superior managers’ opinions affect how the care managers are expected to execute their work in the assessment process...
Abstract Relatives care of elderly people. A qualitative study on the consequences and effects of c...
Bakgrund: Betydelsen av delaktighet uppmärksammas vad det gäller äldre och deras anhöriga. Man har s...
Background: Dementia is often called the illness of relatives because the whole family is affected a...
The purpose of the study was to describe care managers’ experiences of assessment process in care me...
The study concerns the needs assessment processes that older persons undergo to gain access to home ...
The study aims to describe and analyse how case managers reflect and act in the regards to self-dete...
Introduction: The population of Sweden has during the last century doubled. An increased live expect...
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka biståndshandläggarnas syn på vad det är som påverkar...
Sammanfattning Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur biståndshandläggare, som arbetar med biståndsbed...
This is a qualitative study that uses structured interviews and observations as the methods for coll...
Background:As the life expectancy of the population increases, more people are diagnosed with dement...
Background: There are approximately 150.000 people with dementia living in Sweden, with 40 % living ...
Title: Assistance Assessment for Clients with Dementia Disease - The Perceptions and Experi...
Studien ämnade söka förståelse och kunskap om biståndshandläggarnas yrkesroll inom äldreomsorgen. Ut...
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur biståndshandläggare upplever det möjligt a...
Abstract Relatives care of elderly people. A qualitative study on the consequences and effects of c...
Bakgrund: Betydelsen av delaktighet uppmärksammas vad det gäller äldre och deras anhöriga. Man har s...
Background: Dementia is often called the illness of relatives because the whole family is affected a...
The purpose of the study was to describe care managers’ experiences of assessment process in care me...
The study concerns the needs assessment processes that older persons undergo to gain access to home ...
The study aims to describe and analyse how case managers reflect and act in the regards to self-dete...
Introduction: The population of Sweden has during the last century doubled. An increased live expect...
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka biståndshandläggarnas syn på vad det är som påverkar...
Sammanfattning Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur biståndshandläggare, som arbetar med biståndsbed...
This is a qualitative study that uses structured interviews and observations as the methods for coll...
Background:As the life expectancy of the population increases, more people are diagnosed with dement...
Background: There are approximately 150.000 people with dementia living in Sweden, with 40 % living ...
Title: Assistance Assessment for Clients with Dementia Disease - The Perceptions and Experi...
Studien ämnade söka förståelse och kunskap om biståndshandläggarnas yrkesroll inom äldreomsorgen. Ut...
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur biståndshandläggare upplever det möjligt a...
Abstract Relatives care of elderly people. A qualitative study on the consequences and effects of c...
Bakgrund: Betydelsen av delaktighet uppmärksammas vad det gäller äldre och deras anhöriga. Man har s...
Background: Dementia is often called the illness of relatives because the whole family is affected a...