To a great extent, the success of the Web of Data depends on the ability to reach out legacy data locked in silos inaccessible from the web. In the last 15 years, various works have tackled the problem of exposing various structured data in the Resource Description Format (RDF). Meanwhile, the overwhelming success of NoSQL databases has made the database landscape more diverse than ever. NoSQL databases are strong potential contributors of valuable linked open data. Hence, the object of this thesis is to enable RDF-based data integration over heterogeneous data sources and, in particular, to harness NoSQL databases to populate the Web of Data. We propose a generic mapping language, xR2RML, to describe the mapping of heterogeneous data sourc...
In this thesis we address the problem of publishing, sharing and reusing rules on the Web of data. ...
RDF et SPARQL se sont imposés comme modèle de données et langage de requêtes standard pour décrire e...
A constantly increasing number of data providers publish their data on the Web in the RDF format as ...
To a great extent, the success of the Web of Data depends on the ability to reach out legacy data lo...
To a great extent, the success of the Web of Data depends on the ability to reach out legacy data lo...
Le succès du Web de Données repose largement sur notre capacité à atteindre les données stockées dan...
International audienceFostering the development of SPARQL interfaces to heterogeneous databases is a...
International audienceRDF-based data integration is often hampered by the lack of methods to transla...
International audienceWith the growing amount of data being continuously produced, it is crucial to ...
International audienceAccessing legacy data as virtual RDF stores is a key issue in the building of ...
International audienceWhile the data deluge accelerates, most of the data produced remains locked in...
International audienceRDF aims at being the universal abstract data model for structureddata on the ...
Papier de démoInternational audienceRDF aims at being the universal abstract data model for structur...
In enterprises different software applications are used to manage specific functions: customer relat...
The Semantic Web relies on two layers: XML and RDF. XML documents are merely trees representing stru...
In this thesis we address the problem of publishing, sharing and reusing rules on the Web of data. ...
RDF et SPARQL se sont imposés comme modèle de données et langage de requêtes standard pour décrire e...
A constantly increasing number of data providers publish their data on the Web in the RDF format as ...
To a great extent, the success of the Web of Data depends on the ability to reach out legacy data lo...
To a great extent, the success of the Web of Data depends on the ability to reach out legacy data lo...
Le succès du Web de Données repose largement sur notre capacité à atteindre les données stockées dan...
International audienceFostering the development of SPARQL interfaces to heterogeneous databases is a...
International audienceRDF-based data integration is often hampered by the lack of methods to transla...
International audienceWith the growing amount of data being continuously produced, it is crucial to ...
International audienceAccessing legacy data as virtual RDF stores is a key issue in the building of ...
International audienceWhile the data deluge accelerates, most of the data produced remains locked in...
International audienceRDF aims at being the universal abstract data model for structureddata on the ...
Papier de démoInternational audienceRDF aims at being the universal abstract data model for structur...
In enterprises different software applications are used to manage specific functions: customer relat...
The Semantic Web relies on two layers: XML and RDF. XML documents are merely trees representing stru...
In this thesis we address the problem of publishing, sharing and reusing rules on the Web of data. ...
RDF et SPARQL se sont imposés comme modèle de données et langage de requêtes standard pour décrire e...
A constantly increasing number of data providers publish their data on the Web in the RDF format as ...