This thesis analyses the decoration on the pots of the Pitted Ware Culture on Gotland. The pottery from this period is richly decorated with various ornaments, the most common are the pits but other types of decoration occur. The purpose of this study is to get an insight into what the patterns meant to the people that made and used them and what role these may have played in their lives. The author will analyse the decoration on potsherds found from the three Pitted Ware sites of Visby, Ajvide and Hemmor on Gotland. This will be used in a comparative analysis to investigate if differences and/or similarities of the pattern occur between and among the sites. A comparative study of various ceramic found in dated graves with various temporal ...
This essay studies the funnel-beaker ceramic in connection with the megalith graves in South Scandin...
In this paper, I analyze two Neolithic grave fields on Gotland (at Visby and Västerbjers) belonging ...
This master’s thesis describes ornamentation motives on painted pottery and non-painted pottery asso...
In this paper I will discuss the occurrence of ceramic vessels in the graves of the Pitted ware cult...
Cup marks is probably the world’s most common famous petroglyphs and it’s also Sweden's most common ...
This thesis analyses the Funnel Beaker Culture on the island of Gotland. Since no comprehensive stud...
In this paper, we discuss variations seen in the ornamentation and modes of manufacturing pottery fr...
This thesis focuses on the picture stones of Gotland, Sweden dating to the Viking Age. The Viking Ag...
During the last 35 years almost 5000 ceramic thin-sections have been analysed at the Laboratory for ...
In South Sweden the third millennium BC is characterised by coastal settlements of marine hunter-gat...
The rock carvings in southern Scandinavia are an important part of Bronze Age research and the Scand...
This thesis discusses the dress code during the Pitted Ware culture on the Swedish island of Gotland...
The issues outlined in the above volume of Baltic-Pontic Studies (BPS) presented here, can be said t...
The issues outlined in the above volume of Baltic-Pontic Studies (BPS) presented here, can be said t...
This thesis examines a sample of Pitted Ware pottery from the Gotlandic site of Ajvide in regard to ...
This essay studies the funnel-beaker ceramic in connection with the megalith graves in South Scandin...
In this paper, I analyze two Neolithic grave fields on Gotland (at Visby and Västerbjers) belonging ...
This master’s thesis describes ornamentation motives on painted pottery and non-painted pottery asso...
In this paper I will discuss the occurrence of ceramic vessels in the graves of the Pitted ware cult...
Cup marks is probably the world’s most common famous petroglyphs and it’s also Sweden's most common ...
This thesis analyses the Funnel Beaker Culture on the island of Gotland. Since no comprehensive stud...
In this paper, we discuss variations seen in the ornamentation and modes of manufacturing pottery fr...
This thesis focuses on the picture stones of Gotland, Sweden dating to the Viking Age. The Viking Ag...
During the last 35 years almost 5000 ceramic thin-sections have been analysed at the Laboratory for ...
In South Sweden the third millennium BC is characterised by coastal settlements of marine hunter-gat...
The rock carvings in southern Scandinavia are an important part of Bronze Age research and the Scand...
This thesis discusses the dress code during the Pitted Ware culture on the Swedish island of Gotland...
The issues outlined in the above volume of Baltic-Pontic Studies (BPS) presented here, can be said t...
The issues outlined in the above volume of Baltic-Pontic Studies (BPS) presented here, can be said t...
This thesis examines a sample of Pitted Ware pottery from the Gotlandic site of Ajvide in regard to ...
This essay studies the funnel-beaker ceramic in connection with the megalith graves in South Scandin...
In this paper, I analyze two Neolithic grave fields on Gotland (at Visby and Västerbjers) belonging ...
This master’s thesis describes ornamentation motives on painted pottery and non-painted pottery asso...