Coumarins from Phebalium aff. brachycalyx

  • Girard, Corinne
  • Muyard, Frederic
  • Colombain, Michel
  • Tillequin, Francoise
  • Waterman, Peter G
  • Bevalot, Francoise
Publication date
January 2005
Citation count (estimate)


The genus Phebalium Vent. (Rutaceae, tribe Boronieae) includes some 45 species of shrubs and undershrubs, distributed in the southwest and southeast regions of Australia and in the northern island of New Zealand ( [Bentham and Mueller, 1863] and [Engler, 1896]). A consistent feature of all investigated species is the presence of coumarins ( [Quader et al., 1992] and [Ghisalberti, 1997]). In a major taxonomic revision, the genus was divided into four sections, Phebalium, Eristemoides, Gonioclados, and Leionema (Wilson, 1970). The species Phebalium brachycalyx P. G. Wilson is included in the section Phebalium, which comprises 19 species characterized by stem, leaves, and outside petals lepidote, and by an inflorescence in terminal umbel. Se...

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