Occurrence and Potential Sources of Pyrethroid Insecticides in Stream Sediments from Seven U.S. Metropolitan Areas

  • Kathryn M. Kuivila (2092510)
  • Michelle L. Hladik (2092513)
  • Christopher G. Ingersoll (2092525)
  • Nile E. Kemble (2092516)
  • Patrick W. Moran (2092522)
  • Daniel L. Calhoun (2092528)
  • Lisa H. Nowell (2092519)
  • Robert J. Gilliom (2092507)
Publication date
April 2012


A nationally consistent approach was used to assess the occurrence and potential sources of pyrethroid insecticides in stream bed sediments from seven metropolitan areas across the United States. One or more pyrethroids were detected in almost half of the samples, with bifenthrin detected the most frequently (41%) and in each metropolitan area. Cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, permethrin, and resmethrin were detected much less frequently. Pyrethroid concentrations and <i>Hyalella azteca</i> mortality in 28-d tests were lower than in most urban stream studies. Log-transformed total pyrethroid toxic units (TUs) were significantly correlated with survival and bifenthrin was likely responsible for the majority of the observed toxicity. Sampling sites...

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