<p>(a) wild prey index, (b) disturbance index, (c) proportional habitat and (d) principal prey index. Dashed lines represent 95% confidence intervals.</p
<p>Relation between habitat frequency (x-axis) and AUC values (y-axis), for sample sizes from 10% to...
<p>Shaded region indicates 95% credible interval. Dotted lines indicate uncertainty of upper and low...
<p>Unaltered habitat = solid line; selective harvest habitat = dashed line with 95% confidence inter...
Example of three maps of predicted occupancy for Common Rock Rat (top left) Spangled Drongo (top cen...
Spearman correlation between the three aspects of species spatial behavior (years pooled): Aggregati...
<p>The left column contains the estimated mean site occupancy probability as a function of depth (to...
<p>Estimates (95% confidence interval) of site level species richness (A), and total abundance (B)pl...
Estimated relationship between the site-occupancy probability and the proportion of grassland for wi...
<p>Site level abundance (95% confidence interval) of the four riparian associates plotted against si...
<p>Error bars show 90% credible intervals. Subfigures include: A) elevation (occupancy), B) elevatio...
<p>Relationship between log abundance (maximum of the site-specific abundances) and occupancy. Each ...
<p>Dotted lines show 95% confidence intervals. Predictions were averaged over the non-represented va...
The proportion of times (y-axis) each covariate (x-axis) was included in occupancy and detectability...
Coefficient estimates (points) and 95% Bayesian credible intervals (horizontal lines) for effects of...
<p>Solid lines represent mean estimate, and dashed lines are the 95% confidence intervals.</p
<p>Relation between habitat frequency (x-axis) and AUC values (y-axis), for sample sizes from 10% to...
<p>Shaded region indicates 95% credible interval. Dotted lines indicate uncertainty of upper and low...
<p>Unaltered habitat = solid line; selective harvest habitat = dashed line with 95% confidence inter...
Example of three maps of predicted occupancy for Common Rock Rat (top left) Spangled Drongo (top cen...
Spearman correlation between the three aspects of species spatial behavior (years pooled): Aggregati...
<p>The left column contains the estimated mean site occupancy probability as a function of depth (to...
<p>Estimates (95% confidence interval) of site level species richness (A), and total abundance (B)pl...
Estimated relationship between the site-occupancy probability and the proportion of grassland for wi...
<p>Site level abundance (95% confidence interval) of the four riparian associates plotted against si...
<p>Error bars show 90% credible intervals. Subfigures include: A) elevation (occupancy), B) elevatio...
<p>Relationship between log abundance (maximum of the site-specific abundances) and occupancy. Each ...
<p>Dotted lines show 95% confidence intervals. Predictions were averaged over the non-represented va...
The proportion of times (y-axis) each covariate (x-axis) was included in occupancy and detectability...
Coefficient estimates (points) and 95% Bayesian credible intervals (horizontal lines) for effects of...
<p>Solid lines represent mean estimate, and dashed lines are the 95% confidence intervals.</p
<p>Relation between habitat frequency (x-axis) and AUC values (y-axis), for sample sizes from 10% to...
<p>Shaded region indicates 95% credible interval. Dotted lines indicate uncertainty of upper and low...
<p>Unaltered habitat = solid line; selective harvest habitat = dashed line with 95% confidence inter...