<p>Plot of the Carbó similarity index (σC) for the MEPs of models I-III as a function of the position along the x axis.</p
<p>Simple box-plot of the mean coefficient of variation (left) and simple box-plot of the intra-clas...
<p>Box plot for the similarity between all the selected miRNA pairs correspond to different EF simil...
<p>Plot of the M-statistic for each pair of units and both of the corresponding ratios of the SMRs f...
Number of shared species (above diagonal) and Sørensen’s similarity indexes (below diagonal) for all...
The matrix shows how all the possible pairs of similarity metrics were related to each other. On the...
The plots show the quantitative analysis as a function of the position in the ET axis with respect t...
<p>Mean AF functions (left) and cosine similarities (right) plotted in logarithmic coordinates as a ...
Proportional Similarity Index values (lower triangle) and their associated bootstrapped 95% confiden...
<p>Scatter plot for hip BMD (Y axis) in association with naevus count (X axis).</p
Plot of the estimated measure (x-axis) for any raw CVSS17 score (y-axis). Different symbols represen...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot for similarity of samples of isopod MOTUs, based ...
<p>a–c. Data binned for M and R superimposed on plots of proposed model for M = 4.5, 5.5, and 6.5 at...
<p>Scatter plots of CPWS vs cap index, min cap thickness, lipid index, and morphological index.</p
Values indicate the mean similarity index (with SD in parentheses) across the six tasks (Human Visua...
<p>A scatter plot showing correlation between model-computed percentage steatosis for mouse biopsies...
<p>Simple box-plot of the mean coefficient of variation (left) and simple box-plot of the intra-clas...
<p>Box plot for the similarity between all the selected miRNA pairs correspond to different EF simil...
<p>Plot of the M-statistic for each pair of units and both of the corresponding ratios of the SMRs f...
Number of shared species (above diagonal) and Sørensen’s similarity indexes (below diagonal) for all...
The matrix shows how all the possible pairs of similarity metrics were related to each other. On the...
The plots show the quantitative analysis as a function of the position in the ET axis with respect t...
<p>Mean AF functions (left) and cosine similarities (right) plotted in logarithmic coordinates as a ...
Proportional Similarity Index values (lower triangle) and their associated bootstrapped 95% confiden...
<p>Scatter plot for hip BMD (Y axis) in association with naevus count (X axis).</p
Plot of the estimated measure (x-axis) for any raw CVSS17 score (y-axis). Different symbols represen...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot for similarity of samples of isopod MOTUs, based ...
<p>a–c. Data binned for M and R superimposed on plots of proposed model for M = 4.5, 5.5, and 6.5 at...
<p>Scatter plots of CPWS vs cap index, min cap thickness, lipid index, and morphological index.</p
Values indicate the mean similarity index (with SD in parentheses) across the six tasks (Human Visua...
<p>A scatter plot showing correlation between model-computed percentage steatosis for mouse biopsies...
<p>Simple box-plot of the mean coefficient of variation (left) and simple box-plot of the intra-clas...
<p>Box plot for the similarity between all the selected miRNA pairs correspond to different EF simil...
<p>Plot of the M-statistic for each pair of units and both of the corresponding ratios of the SMRs f...