<p>Phylogenetic trees based on the ORF0 sequences (A) and the RT conserved domains (B). Bootstrap values (>50%) are shown.</p
<p>The numbers on the phylogenetic tree represent bootstrap values based on 1000 replications. GenBa...
<p>Phylogenetic tree of (a) TNFα and (b) IL10 nucleotide sequence constructed using Geneious Pro 5.6...
<p>This tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method. The bootstrap values were calculated...
<p>The numbers near the branch represent bootstrap percentages. The topology was tested using bootst...
<p>Bootstrap values are on 500 replicates. The topology of branch with the bootstrap value was also ...
<p>The ML tree (A) and the MP tree (B). Numbers associated with branches are bootstrap support (BS) ...
<p>All trees shown are ML trees obtained from the analysis of (a) COI barcode sequences, (b) 28S rDN...
<p>Support values for the topology obtained from four analyses are listed as percentages in the orde...
<p>Both trees contain 87 species that were randomly selected from each phylum (<a href="http://www.p...
<p>The first number at each node is Bayesian posterior probability and the second number is ML boots...
<p>Bootstrap values, that is, the percentage of trees yielding the same two-set partition of sequenc...
<p>The trees were reconstructed using a maximum-likelihood (ML) procedure with the JTT model and 100...
<p>The ML tree (A) and the MP tree (B) inferred from the concatenated 12 fast-evolving mitochondrial...
<p>Values at nodes indicate the bootstrap percentages based on 1,000 replicates, and branches with b...
<p>Numbers at the forks indicate the bootstrap values (in %) out of 1000 replicates. The sequences u...
<p>The numbers on the phylogenetic tree represent bootstrap values based on 1000 replications. GenBa...
<p>Phylogenetic tree of (a) TNFα and (b) IL10 nucleotide sequence constructed using Geneious Pro 5.6...
<p>This tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method. The bootstrap values were calculated...
<p>The numbers near the branch represent bootstrap percentages. The topology was tested using bootst...
<p>Bootstrap values are on 500 replicates. The topology of branch with the bootstrap value was also ...
<p>The ML tree (A) and the MP tree (B). Numbers associated with branches are bootstrap support (BS) ...
<p>All trees shown are ML trees obtained from the analysis of (a) COI barcode sequences, (b) 28S rDN...
<p>Support values for the topology obtained from four analyses are listed as percentages in the orde...
<p>Both trees contain 87 species that were randomly selected from each phylum (<a href="http://www.p...
<p>The first number at each node is Bayesian posterior probability and the second number is ML boots...
<p>Bootstrap values, that is, the percentage of trees yielding the same two-set partition of sequenc...
<p>The trees were reconstructed using a maximum-likelihood (ML) procedure with the JTT model and 100...
<p>The ML tree (A) and the MP tree (B) inferred from the concatenated 12 fast-evolving mitochondrial...
<p>Values at nodes indicate the bootstrap percentages based on 1,000 replicates, and branches with b...
<p>Numbers at the forks indicate the bootstrap values (in %) out of 1000 replicates. The sequences u...
<p>The numbers on the phylogenetic tree represent bootstrap values based on 1000 replications. GenBa...
<p>Phylogenetic tree of (a) TNFα and (b) IL10 nucleotide sequence constructed using Geneious Pro 5.6...
<p>This tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method. The bootstrap values were calculated...