<p>(A) Excluding all four outgroups. Branch support values are given as bootstrap values for the dataset ALL_123 (left) and PCG_123 (right). (B) Outgroups excluding only psocid. Only bootstrap values above 50% are shown.</p
Maximum likelihood topology based on rps16 indels alone, with parsimony/likelihood bootstrap percent...
<p>Bootstrap support (1000 replicates) and posterior probabilities of nodes are indicated above and ...
<p>The Bayesian posterior probabilities are above the branches, and the maximum parsimony (left) and...
<p>Branches having Bayesian posterior probabilities >0.5 and bootstrap values >50% are indicated at ...
The tree was constructed using a heuristic search with TBR branch swapping. Numbers above the branch...
<p>Numbers above the lines on the left indicate the maximum parsimony bootstrap of each clade >50%, ...
<p>Numbers on the branches indicate the bootstrap values for MP (>50%), the Bayesian posterior proba...
<p>Parsimony strict consensus trees with bootstrap support above (parsimony) and below (ML) the bran...
<p>Node values are bootstrap support values. That outgroup branch was removed to improve the visuali...
Maximum likelihood topology based on matK sequence data alone, with parsimony/likelihood bootstrap p...
All most Parsimonious trees based on the ITS sequences of non-redundant strains. In newick format (M...
Maximum likelihood topology based ITS indels alone, with parsimony/likelihood bootstrap percentages ...
FIGURE S5. Parsimony consensus tree (outgroups not shown) using a stepmatrix in which each genotype ...
<p>Single most parsimony tree with 10,000 bootstrap replicates for morphological data from all <i>Ge...
Maximum likelihood topology based on ETS-1f sequence data alone, with parsimony/likelihood bootstrap...
Maximum likelihood topology based on rps16 indels alone, with parsimony/likelihood bootstrap percent...
<p>Bootstrap support (1000 replicates) and posterior probabilities of nodes are indicated above and ...
<p>The Bayesian posterior probabilities are above the branches, and the maximum parsimony (left) and...
<p>Branches having Bayesian posterior probabilities >0.5 and bootstrap values >50% are indicated at ...
The tree was constructed using a heuristic search with TBR branch swapping. Numbers above the branch...
<p>Numbers above the lines on the left indicate the maximum parsimony bootstrap of each clade >50%, ...
<p>Numbers on the branches indicate the bootstrap values for MP (>50%), the Bayesian posterior proba...
<p>Parsimony strict consensus trees with bootstrap support above (parsimony) and below (ML) the bran...
<p>Node values are bootstrap support values. That outgroup branch was removed to improve the visuali...
Maximum likelihood topology based on matK sequence data alone, with parsimony/likelihood bootstrap p...
All most Parsimonious trees based on the ITS sequences of non-redundant strains. In newick format (M...
Maximum likelihood topology based ITS indels alone, with parsimony/likelihood bootstrap percentages ...
FIGURE S5. Parsimony consensus tree (outgroups not shown) using a stepmatrix in which each genotype ...
<p>Single most parsimony tree with 10,000 bootstrap replicates for morphological data from all <i>Ge...
Maximum likelihood topology based on ETS-1f sequence data alone, with parsimony/likelihood bootstrap...
Maximum likelihood topology based on rps16 indels alone, with parsimony/likelihood bootstrap percent...
<p>Bootstrap support (1000 replicates) and posterior probabilities of nodes are indicated above and ...
<p>The Bayesian posterior probabilities are above the branches, and the maximum parsimony (left) and...