<p>A) Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree based on 51 conserved protein families showing evolutionary relationships of <i>Cladosporium fulvum</i> and <i>Dothistroma septosporum</i>. Branch lengths are indicated by the bar (substitutions/site); bootstrap values are shown as percentage. B) Genome-wide amino acid similarity of homologous proteins between <i>C. fulvum</i> and other sequenced fungal species. A pair of proteins is only reported as homologous when the predicted similarity (blastp) spans at least 70% of their lengths and their length difference is at most 20%. Axis indicates number of homologous proteins. Bar shading indicates similarity: red, 91–100%; orange, 81–90%; light green, 71–80%; medium green, 61–70%; turquoise, 51–60%; l...