On the Molecular Basis of D-Bifunctional Protein Deficiency Type III

  • Maija L. Mehtälä (105023)
  • Marc F. Lensink (105027)
  • Laura P. Pietikäinen (105031)
  • J. Kalervo Hiltunen (105034)
  • Tuomo Glumoff (105038)
Publication date
January 2013
Citation count (estimate)


<div><p>Molecular basis of D-bifunctional protein (D-BP) deficiency was studied with wild type and five disease-causing variants of 3R-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase fragment of the human MFE-2 (multifunctional enzyme type 2) protein. Complementation analysis <em>in vivo</em> in yeast and <em>in vitro</em> enzyme kinetic and stability determinants as well as <em>in silico</em> stability and structural fluctuation calculations were correlated with clinical data of known patients. Despite variations not affecting the catalytic residues, enzyme kinetic performance (K<sub>m</sub>, V<sub>max</sub> and k<sub>cat</sub>) of the recombinant protein variants were compromised to a varying extent and this can be judged as the direct molecular cause for ...

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