<p>Phylogenetic analyses was performed with ClustalW software using the Neighbor joining method.</p
<p>Numbers at branch nodes represent the confidence level of 1000 bootstrap replications. Phylogenet...
<p>Phylogenetic tree analysis of endoglucanase superfamily homologous to Cen219 by neighbor-joining ...
<p>The tree is reconstructed using the neighbor-joining method and bootstrap analysis is carried out...
<p>The phylogram was constructed with the MEGA 5.05 software using the neighbor-joining method based...
<p>A total of 19 representative sequences were randomly selected and used as references for phylogen...
<p>The tree was constructed using the neighbour-joining method with MEGA 6.0, and bootstrap values s...
<p>Multiple sequence alignment was performed using Clustal W and the phylogenetic tree was construct...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Unrooted phylogenetic tree of CXCL12 proteins. (<b>B</b>) Unrooted phylogenetic tree o...
Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic analyses of neighvouring gene families of vertebrate C...
<p>The branches were statistically evaluated by bootstrap analysis. All sequences were from GenBank....
Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of GYLH001 based on 16S rRNA sequences analysis.</p
<p>The full-length of the amino acid sequences were used in an alignment for phylogenetic tree calcu...
<p>Deduced amino acid sequences were aligned using ClustalX and the phylogenetic tree was constructe...
<p>The NJ method was applied using Mega 4 from a tree file produced by Clustal W2.</p
<p>Tree inferred from conserved motifs (CON1S) with the ML method using the evolutionary model LG. B...
<p>Numbers at branch nodes represent the confidence level of 1000 bootstrap replications. Phylogenet...
<p>Phylogenetic tree analysis of endoglucanase superfamily homologous to Cen219 by neighbor-joining ...
<p>The tree is reconstructed using the neighbor-joining method and bootstrap analysis is carried out...
<p>The phylogram was constructed with the MEGA 5.05 software using the neighbor-joining method based...
<p>A total of 19 representative sequences were randomly selected and used as references for phylogen...
<p>The tree was constructed using the neighbour-joining method with MEGA 6.0, and bootstrap values s...
<p>Multiple sequence alignment was performed using Clustal W and the phylogenetic tree was construct...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Unrooted phylogenetic tree of CXCL12 proteins. (<b>B</b>) Unrooted phylogenetic tree o...
Multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic analyses of neighvouring gene families of vertebrate C...
<p>The branches were statistically evaluated by bootstrap analysis. All sequences were from GenBank....
Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of GYLH001 based on 16S rRNA sequences analysis.</p
<p>The full-length of the amino acid sequences were used in an alignment for phylogenetic tree calcu...
<p>Deduced amino acid sequences were aligned using ClustalX and the phylogenetic tree was constructe...
<p>The NJ method was applied using Mega 4 from a tree file produced by Clustal W2.</p
<p>Tree inferred from conserved motifs (CON1S) with the ML method using the evolutionary model LG. B...
<p>Numbers at branch nodes represent the confidence level of 1000 bootstrap replications. Phylogenet...
<p>Phylogenetic tree analysis of endoglucanase superfamily homologous to Cen219 by neighbor-joining ...
<p>The tree is reconstructed using the neighbor-joining method and bootstrap analysis is carried out...