<p>(<b>A</b>) Mean proportion of coral bleached by location. (<b>B</b>) Mean change in absolute coral cover (values in parentheses represent proportional change in coral cover). Error bars represent ±1SE. (<b>*</b>) denotes significant difference from 0 where 95% confidence intervals failed to intersect the horizontal axis.</p
<p>a) Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis of coral group cover (%) based on life history ca...
<p>In Fig 4A, the predicted coral mortality is displayed while holding each stressor at the 5<sup>th...
<p>The same superscript indicate significant pairwise comparisons (p<0.05) for reef taxa (bold print...
<p>Bars represent standard error. O = October 2010, N = November 2010, D = December 2010, J = Januar...
<p>Error bars represent standard error. Dotted lines represent 95% confidence intervals from bootstr...
<p>Variation in: a) coral cover (%), b) structural complexity, and c) coral genus richness among dis...
<p>Red bars are unrecovered reefs, blue bar is the recovered reef and green bars are undisturbed ree...
<p>Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval. (C-D) surface/volume ratio of simulated and CT-scann...
<p>Percentage coral cover on A. reef flats and B. reef slopes at the five study sites in the Keppels...
<p>a) Coral cover, b) colony area, and c) colony density across islands and reefs (c). Error bars re...
<p>The error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Dashed line represents the overall mean for ea...
Mean proportion of corals inhabited by pair-forming species (triangles, pink dotted line), group-for...
<p>Numbers in brackets represent one standard error. Bleaching categories are: 1 (extreme, >60% blea...
<p>Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval. (C–D) shows regression plot of skewness and kurtosis...
<p>One standard error of the mean was too small to be graphically depicted. All habitat depths were ...
<p>a) Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis of coral group cover (%) based on life history ca...
<p>In Fig 4A, the predicted coral mortality is displayed while holding each stressor at the 5<sup>th...
<p>The same superscript indicate significant pairwise comparisons (p<0.05) for reef taxa (bold print...
<p>Bars represent standard error. O = October 2010, N = November 2010, D = December 2010, J = Januar...
<p>Error bars represent standard error. Dotted lines represent 95% confidence intervals from bootstr...
<p>Variation in: a) coral cover (%), b) structural complexity, and c) coral genus richness among dis...
<p>Red bars are unrecovered reefs, blue bar is the recovered reef and green bars are undisturbed ree...
<p>Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval. (C-D) surface/volume ratio of simulated and CT-scann...
<p>Percentage coral cover on A. reef flats and B. reef slopes at the five study sites in the Keppels...
<p>a) Coral cover, b) colony area, and c) colony density across islands and reefs (c). Error bars re...
<p>The error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Dashed line represents the overall mean for ea...
Mean proportion of corals inhabited by pair-forming species (triangles, pink dotted line), group-for...
<p>Numbers in brackets represent one standard error. Bleaching categories are: 1 (extreme, >60% blea...
<p>Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval. (C–D) shows regression plot of skewness and kurtosis...
<p>One standard error of the mean was too small to be graphically depicted. All habitat depths were ...
<p>a) Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis of coral group cover (%) based on life history ca...
<p>In Fig 4A, the predicted coral mortality is displayed while holding each stressor at the 5<sup>th...
<p>The same superscript indicate significant pairwise comparisons (p<0.05) for reef taxa (bold print...