<p>It is symmetrical and takes place in the middle of the chromosome. a, b, c and d represent bit-strings of equal lengths, <i>κ</i> is the probability of crossing-over.</p
(A and B) Standardized recombination rates for species (chromosomes pooled per species, n = 57 speci...
What is a three point cross? • During meiosis, chromosomes are replicated and form a tetrad (see arr...
<p>Recombination rates within chromosomes are highly variable. a) red: two-way b) blue: four-way cro...
International audienceThis paper provides a theoretical description of the chromosome architecture r...
<p>Probability of recombination of the first gene and a gene at a distance given as a percentage of ...
The term "crossing-over" is used to denote the exchange of pieces or segments between homologous chr...
The best model selected for each species is the one maximizing the Adjusted R-Squared. (XLSX)</p
<p>Model probability distribution of crosses among the progeny type and the initial male.</p
Grey elements represent genes that differ between the two parental chromosomes. The substrings of tw...
<p>Blue bars represent the number of progeny from α-α unisexual reproduction between strains 431α an...
Investigations of lampbrush chromosomes and the nucleolar organizer have suggested that each gene ma...
<p>Crossing scheme is characterized by increasing population sizes in the backcross generations and...
<p><i>c</i> (cM/Mb per female meiosis) for eight different crosses (different colors) and shown for ...
A long-standing goal in the field of polyploid biology has been the derivation of mathematical model...
This crossover is performed in the input layer part only. We choose a crossing cut point in the inpu...
(A and B) Standardized recombination rates for species (chromosomes pooled per species, n = 57 speci...
What is a three point cross? • During meiosis, chromosomes are replicated and form a tetrad (see arr...
<p>Recombination rates within chromosomes are highly variable. a) red: two-way b) blue: four-way cro...
International audienceThis paper provides a theoretical description of the chromosome architecture r...
<p>Probability of recombination of the first gene and a gene at a distance given as a percentage of ...
The term "crossing-over" is used to denote the exchange of pieces or segments between homologous chr...
The best model selected for each species is the one maximizing the Adjusted R-Squared. (XLSX)</p
<p>Model probability distribution of crosses among the progeny type and the initial male.</p
Grey elements represent genes that differ between the two parental chromosomes. The substrings of tw...
<p>Blue bars represent the number of progeny from α-α unisexual reproduction between strains 431α an...
Investigations of lampbrush chromosomes and the nucleolar organizer have suggested that each gene ma...
<p>Crossing scheme is characterized by increasing population sizes in the backcross generations and...
<p><i>c</i> (cM/Mb per female meiosis) for eight different crosses (different colors) and shown for ...
A long-standing goal in the field of polyploid biology has been the derivation of mathematical model...
This crossover is performed in the input layer part only. We choose a crossing cut point in the inpu...
(A and B) Standardized recombination rates for species (chromosomes pooled per species, n = 57 speci...
What is a three point cross? • During meiosis, chromosomes are replicated and form a tetrad (see arr...
<p>Recombination rates within chromosomes are highly variable. a) red: two-way b) blue: four-way cro...