Annotation of all 579 maize TEs included in this study. The presence and position of detectable LTRs, PBS and PPT sequences (LTR Finder), protein-coding domains (BLASTX) and potential quadruplex sequences (PQS; pqsfinder). White rectangles represent LTRs, blue rectangles are common TE domains (labelled) or other domains detected in Uniprot (unlabelled). Small blue bars are PQS with score > 24 (> 64 larger bar). (PDF 927 kb
Figure S3. Repeat annotation of intervals between TaAmy1θ and TaAmy1λ. The identification of repetit...
Repeat content plot for M4 genome. Circos plot displays repeat and gene content for M4 genome (conti...
Wak insertion mutants. A. For each OsWAK gene, the different splicing forms are shown as well as the...
Overview of families, PQS and average lengths. Table S1. Families possessing PQS score > 64. Table S...
Overview of oligonucleotides, BAC clones and primers used in study. Name is derived from Maize TE Da...
CD spectra of oligonucleotides without G4-forming ability. CD spectra of oligonucleotides representi...
Information about LTR-retrotransposon sequences included in the study. (XLS 9823 kb
RT-PCR validation of raw CUT annotations merging strategy. Three candidate regions selected to deter...
Figure S3. T-DNA organizations in contructs used in this study. All binary vectors have the same pPZ...
a show frequencies of tetranucleotide occurrences (in percentages) in terms of “Py,Pu” in H. sapiens...
Sequence logos and PlotCon of U3 and U5 vl-att putative sites of 9 LTR-retrotransposon lineages divi...
PCR validation of M4 PacBio pre-optical map assembly. A) Table of PCR results to validate M4 PacBio ...
Summary of features characteristic of individual groups of LTR-retrotransposons. (XLS 17 kb
A comparison of all protein domains identified in this study with CDD. (PDF 59 kb
Genome browser view of RNA-Seq reads mapped at rpd1/rmr6 misregulated gene cluster. Genome browser (...
Figure S3. Repeat annotation of intervals between TaAmy1θ and TaAmy1λ. The identification of repetit...
Repeat content plot for M4 genome. Circos plot displays repeat and gene content for M4 genome (conti...
Wak insertion mutants. A. For each OsWAK gene, the different splicing forms are shown as well as the...
Overview of families, PQS and average lengths. Table S1. Families possessing PQS score > 64. Table S...
Overview of oligonucleotides, BAC clones and primers used in study. Name is derived from Maize TE Da...
CD spectra of oligonucleotides without G4-forming ability. CD spectra of oligonucleotides representi...
Information about LTR-retrotransposon sequences included in the study. (XLS 9823 kb
RT-PCR validation of raw CUT annotations merging strategy. Three candidate regions selected to deter...
Figure S3. T-DNA organizations in contructs used in this study. All binary vectors have the same pPZ...
a show frequencies of tetranucleotide occurrences (in percentages) in terms of “Py,Pu” in H. sapiens...
Sequence logos and PlotCon of U3 and U5 vl-att putative sites of 9 LTR-retrotransposon lineages divi...
PCR validation of M4 PacBio pre-optical map assembly. A) Table of PCR results to validate M4 PacBio ...
Summary of features characteristic of individual groups of LTR-retrotransposons. (XLS 17 kb
A comparison of all protein domains identified in this study with CDD. (PDF 59 kb
Genome browser view of RNA-Seq reads mapped at rpd1/rmr6 misregulated gene cluster. Genome browser (...
Figure S3. Repeat annotation of intervals between TaAmy1θ and TaAmy1λ. The identification of repetit...
Repeat content plot for M4 genome. Circos plot displays repeat and gene content for M4 genome (conti...
Wak insertion mutants. A. For each OsWAK gene, the different splicing forms are shown as well as the...