Turbulence effects on bremsstrahlung emission due to the electron ion interaction were investigated in the turbulent solar plasma. The effective interaction potential, taking into account the correction factor to the nonlinear dielectric function due to plasma turbulence, and the impact-parameter method were employed in order to obtain the bremsstrahlung radiation cross section in a turbulent plasma as a function of the impact parameter, diffusion coefficient, radiation photon energy, projectile energy, and plasma parameters. It has been shown that the turbulence effects considerably enhance the bremsstrahlung radiation cross section. In addition, it was found that the turbulence effects of the solar atmosphere on the bremsstrahlung cross s...
The electron distribution functions from the solar corona to the solar wind are determined in this p...
Aims. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the effect of turbulent background density-f...
The effect of turbulent temperature fluctuations on the radiative losses in tokamak edge and diverto...
We investigate the electron?ion bremsstrahlung process in astrophysical thermal turbulent plasmas in...
The turbulence effects on the charge capture process are investigated in weak turbulent plasmas. The...
Solar flare accelerated electron beams propagating away from the Sun can interact with the turbulent...
The problems of the radiation diffusion and the spectral line formation in turbulent-convective plas...
The effects of turbulence on the Thomson scattering process are investigated in turbulent plasmas. T...
Aims. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the effect of turbulent background density-fluctuation...
The effects of electron temperature and density on the ion-dust grain bremsstrahlung process in dust...
This review presents results of the recent calculations of collective plasma processes of radiation ...
The effects of turbulence on the elastic electron-ion collision are investigated in turbulent plasma...
It studies the powers emitted by bremsstrahlung, synchorotron and inverse Compton mechanisms calcula...
International audienceType III solar radio bursts have been commonly observed in the solar wind and ...
The electron distribution functions from the solar corona to the solar wind are determined in this p...
The electron distribution functions from the solar corona to the solar wind are determined in this p...
Aims. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the effect of turbulent background density-f...
The effect of turbulent temperature fluctuations on the radiative losses in tokamak edge and diverto...
We investigate the electron?ion bremsstrahlung process in astrophysical thermal turbulent plasmas in...
The turbulence effects on the charge capture process are investigated in weak turbulent plasmas. The...
Solar flare accelerated electron beams propagating away from the Sun can interact with the turbulent...
The problems of the radiation diffusion and the spectral line formation in turbulent-convective plas...
The effects of turbulence on the Thomson scattering process are investigated in turbulent plasmas. T...
Aims. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the effect of turbulent background density-fluctuation...
The effects of electron temperature and density on the ion-dust grain bremsstrahlung process in dust...
This review presents results of the recent calculations of collective plasma processes of radiation ...
The effects of turbulence on the elastic electron-ion collision are investigated in turbulent plasma...
It studies the powers emitted by bremsstrahlung, synchorotron and inverse Compton mechanisms calcula...
International audienceType III solar radio bursts have been commonly observed in the solar wind and ...
The electron distribution functions from the solar corona to the solar wind are determined in this p...
The electron distribution functions from the solar corona to the solar wind are determined in this p...
Aims. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the effect of turbulent background density-f...
The effect of turbulent temperature fluctuations on the radiative losses in tokamak edge and diverto...